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将.NET Framework程序包安装到PCL会尝试安装.NET Standard程序包

[英]Installing .NET Framework package to PCL attempts to install .NET Standard packages

I have a portable class library project targeting .NET Framework 4.5 , and am trying to install System.Reactive.Interfaces to this project. 我有一个针对.NET Framework 4.5的可移植类库项目,并且正在尝试为此项目安装System.Reactive.Interfaces

The dependencies for System.Reactive.Interfaces are NETStandard.Library for a .NETStandard project , but no dependencies for a .NET Framework project. 对于依赖System.Reactive.InterfacesNETStandard.Library.NETStandard project ,但对于一个没有依赖.NET Framework项目。 Therefore this project should install Reactive.Interfaces without needing to install any other packages. 因此,该项目应安装Reactive.Interfaces而不需要安装任何其他软件包。 My project also has a packages.config file, and no project.json or project.lock.json files exist in the solution. 我的项目也有一个packages.config文件,解决方案中不存在project.jsonproject.lock.json文件。

However, attempting to install Reactive.Interfaces prompts me to install all of the System.* packages needed for .NET Core , as well as NETStandard.Library 1.6.0 . 但是,尝试安装Reactive.Interfaces会提示我安装.NET CoreNETStandard.Library 1.6.0所需的所有System.*软件包。 How can I convince Nuget that this is a PCL for .NET Framework 4.5 instead of a .NET Standard project? 我如何使Nuget确信这是.NET Framework 4.5的PCL,而不是.NET Standard项目?

.Net Standrd is like "new" PCL but more complex. .Net Standrd就像“新” PCL,但更为复杂。 Change PCL to .Net Standard Library (if you want still use .Net Framework 4.5 you need to use .NET Standard 1.1). 将PCL更改为.Net标准库(如果您仍要使用.Net Framework 4.5,则需要使用.NET Standard 1.1)。 For more information i recommend this docs 有关更多信息,我推荐此文档


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