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在Windows上从1_55更新为1_62后,在LIB中创建boost :: asio :: ip :: udp :: socket崩溃

[英]Creating a boost::asio::ip::udp::socket crashing in LIB after updating from 1_55 to 1_62 on Windows

This is driving me nuts. 这让我发疯。 Mainly because it happens 90% of the time, but occasionally I can get right by it. 主要是因为它有90%的时间会发生,但偶尔我会正确处理。

So here's the backstory. 所以这是背景故事。 I had compiled boost 1_55 using MSVC++ 2012, and we had been using it for quite a while. 我已经使用MSVC ++ 2012编译了boost 1_55,我们已经使用了一段时间了。 We are switching over to the 2013 toolchain finally and I've been tasked with upgrading everything. 最终,我们将切换到2013年的工具链,我的任务是升级所有内容。

I chose to grab the latest boost 1_62, and recompile with the 2013 32-bit toolset. 我选择使用最新的Boost 1_62,并使用2013 32位工具集重新编译。 The problem I'm having is that now that I've recompiled I am getting a crash on creating a udp socket. 我遇到的问题是,现在重新编译后,我在创建udp套接字时崩溃了。

So I have a library that we developed that we link statically. 因此,我有一个我们开发的库,该库可以静态链接。 I inherit from that library and call a method that opens a UDP Port. 我从该库继承并调用一个打开UDP端口的方法。

For the sake of the example I have changed my code to best illistrate this point: 为了这个例子,我更改了代码以最好地说明这一点:

In the class constructor I have the following: 在类构造函数中,我具有以下内容:

        boost::asio::io_service test;
        boost::asio::ip::udp::socket socket(test);


That works just fine. 那很好。 In StartListen, I call Init I have the following: 在StartListen中,我称Init为以下内容:

        boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint listen_endpoint(
        boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(m_bindAddress), m_usPort);
    m_mcast_endpoint.reset(new boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint(
        boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(m_sendAddress), m_usPort));
    m_socket.reset(new boost::asio::ip::udp::socket(m_ioservice));

This blows up on the m_socket.reset with this: 这在m_socket.reset上炸毁了:

Unhandled exception at 0x77D798C1 (ntdll.dll) in program.exe: 0xC0000374: A heap has been corrupted (parameters: 0x77DAC8D0).

Interestly enough when I changed the example to be the immediately in the start listen like this: 有趣的是,当我将示例更改为立即开始收听时,如下所示:

  void Multicast::StartListen()
    boost::asio::io_service take2;
    boost::asio::ip::udp::socket socket_test(take2);

I get this: 我得到这个:

Unhandled exception at 0x6384D4A1 in program.exe: 0xC00001A5: An invalid exception handler routine has been detected (parameters: 0x00000003).

I really have no idea what's going on here. 我真的不知道这是怎么回事。 I built boost with the 我用

b2.exe --build-type=complete --stagedir=bin32 address-model=32 stage b2.exe --build-type = complete --stagedir = bin32地址模型= 32阶段

and everything seems correct. 一切似乎都是正确的。 What am I missing? 我想念什么?

Well I've made more progress. 好吧,我取得了更多进步。 The issue happens when you create a boost UDP socket in a library, and create a boost UDP socket in the code calling the library. 当您在库中创建boost UDP套接字,并在调用该库的代码中创建boost UDP套接字时,会发生此问题。

| Create UDP Socket 
 | Create UDP SOCKET <--- Heap corruption


The problem was with Boost.ASIO and using it from two separate projects. 问题出在Boost.ASIO并在两个不同的项目中使用它。 Putting the BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_IOCP define in both project properties fixed the problem. 将BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_IOCP定义放入两个项目属性中可以解决此问题。 There is probably a "better way" of using IOCP, but this solved it going forward. 可能有使用IOCP的“更好的方法”,但这解决了它的发展。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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