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[英]Firebase queryEquals Not Returning Values in Swift

I have a Firebase structure that looks like: 我有一个Firebase结构,如下所示:

- key1

I am looking to return records where key3 's value equals a particular string. 我想返回key3的值等于特定字符串的记录。

let ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference()
let path = "Object/key1/key2"

ref.child(path).queryOrdered(byChild: "key3").queryEqual(toValue: "myvalue").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: {(snapshot) in

The above returns NULL. 上面返回NULL。 If I remove the queryEqual , all records are returned. 如果删除queryEqual ,则返回所有记录。 I have triple checked that the "myvalue" is matching in FB as well as in the call. 我三重检查了“ myvalue”在FB中以及在调用中是否匹配。

I have the FB call in a loop as key1 and key2 change. key1key2更改时,我在循环中调用了FB。 In the end I only want those records (everything under key2 ) returned only if key3 is equal to value I send in my queryEqual statement. 最后,仅当key3等于我在queryEqual语句中发送的值时,我才希望返回那些记录( key2下的所有内容)。

To give the full return see below. 要获得全部回报,请参见下文。 I commented out my actual return process to just check via a simple print: 我注释掉了我的实际退货过程,只是通过简单的打印进行检查:

ref.child(path).queryOrdered(byChild: "key3").queryEqual(toValue: "mvValue").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: {(snapshot) in

            for test in snapshot.children
                print (test)

            /*if let returnDict = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
                helperProtocol.firebaseDidReturn?(returnDict: returnDict, extraDict: extraDict, name:name)
            else if let returnArray = snapshot.value as? NSArray
                helperProtocol.firebaseDidReturn?(returnDict: ["array":returnArray], extraDict: extraDict, name:name)
                helperProtocol.firebaseDidReturn?(returnDict: nil, extraDict: extraDict, name:name)

The issue was the depth of the query path. 问题是查询路径的深度。 From the above I was using: 从上面我正在使用:

let path = "Object/key1/key2"

The path needed to be: 路径需要为:

let path = "Object/key1"

So even though the search key ( key3 ) is under key2 , the approach is to go one level higher as shown above. 因此,即使搜索键( key3 )位于key2之下,方法也要上一层。

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