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[英]how do i send javascript variables to PHP and return the results

I have a form with inputs (each with ID param , param1 , param3 respectively) and an external php file with a function called getform() that takes three parameters from the form ( param , param1 , param3 respectively). 我有一个带有输入的窗体(每个窗体分别具有ID paramparam1param3 )和一个外部php文件,该文件带有一个名为getform()的函数,该函数从窗体中分别获取三个参数(分别为paramparam1param3 )。

A text feild with id results to display the response from php file. results为id的文本字段显示php文件的响应。
I have placed onclick function on param3 . 我已经将onclick函数放在param3

I need whenever a user types something in param3 it should be sent to php file and the results displayed in the text filed of id results . 每当用户在param3键入内容时,我都需要将其发送到php文件,并将结果显示在id results的文本文件中。

here is my code 这是我的代码

  function post(){
    var param = $('#param').val();
    var param2 = $('#param2').val();
    var param3 = $('#param3').val();
    $.post('curencyconvert.php', {
      postparam: param,
      postparam2: param2,
    }, function(data){

my php function in the php file 我的PHP函数在php文件中

function Conv($param,$param2,$param3){
    //my code here
    return $output;
//Calling the defined function here
Conv($_POST['postparam'], $_POST['postparam2'], $_POST['postparam3']);

Add these line below your function code.. and better echo the output in your function instead of returning it. 将这些行添加到函数代码下面..并更好地在函数中回显输出,而不是返回输出。

 jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('#param3').change(function() { // put here the code // } ); }) 

What errors you get in Console(firbug)? 您在Console(firbug)中遇到什么错误?

As stated by other answers $_POST should be used. 如其他答案所述,应使用$ _POST。

What your php code returns if it returns an array or returns an object It can not be put into the Input. 如果您的php代码返回数组或返回对象,则返回的内容不能放入Input中。 Return value must be a string 返回值必须是字符串

PHP code must be : PHP代码必须为:

      function Conv($param,$param2,$param3){
        //my code here
          // take particular field of the DB results or resultset that you want to show in the input.
            return $output['name'];


I know answer is incomplete because your question is incomplete. 我知道答案不完整,因为您的问题不完整。 Please let me know errors from the console so that i can help you further 请让我知道控制台中的错误,以便我进一步帮助您

echo instead of return. 回声而不是返回。

  echo Conv($_POST['postparam'], $_POST['postparam2'], $_POST['postparam3']);

Do something like this, it is more clean: 做这样的事情,它更干净:

Conv($param, $param2, $param3){
   // your code here
   return $output;

As for the javascript part, jquery ajax is your friend 至于javascript部分,jquery ajax是你的朋友

 function post(){

    var param = $('#param').val();
    var param2 = $('#param2').val();
    var param3 = $('#param3').val();

        url: '/path/to/file',
        type: 'POST',
        data : { postparam: param, postparam2: param2, postparam3: param3 },     
    }).done(function(data) {


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