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Recycler视图 - 滚动时调整项目视图的大小(对于旋转木马效果)

[英]Recycler view - resizing item view while scrolling (for carousel like effect)

I need to create a vertical recyclerview in which item view in center of the screen should be resized to have zoom like effect while scrolling. 我需要创建一个垂直的Recyclerview,其中应调整屏幕中心的项目视图,以便在滚动时具有缩放效果。

Things I have tried but didn't work : 我尝试但没有奏效的事情:

  1. Adding a scroll listener and looping through item views by position, measuring the centered position then updating LayoutParams of centered view . 添加滚动侦听器并按位置循环浏览项目视图,测量居中位置,然后更新居中view LayoutParams

    • RecyclerView won't let compute the position of items or update view while scrolling. RecyclerView不会在滚动时计算项目的位置或更新视图。 It throws IllegalStateException if such operations are performed in onScrolled 如果在onScrolled中执行此类操作,则抛出IllegalStateException
  2. Changing LayoutParams of centered item view in onScrollStateChanged while scrolling state is IDLE or SETTLING . 在滚动状态下更改onScrollStateChanged中居中项目视图的LayoutParamsIDLESETTLING

    • That only updates view after scroll has been/is going to be completed, not during scrolling on items is being performed. 仅在滚动已经/将要完成之后才更新视图,而不是在滚动项目期间执行。
  3. The last option remained is implementing own custom LayoutManager that would extend default LayoutManager . 剩下的最后一个选项是实现自定义的LayoutManager ,它将扩展默认的LayoutManager

    • As far as I know, implementing custom Layoutmanager involves dealing with a lot more complex computations that needs to handled. 据我所知,实现自定义Layoutmanager涉及处理需要处理的更复杂的计算。

Any other solutions or ideas will be appreciated. 任何其他解决方案或想法将不胜感激。

I found this answer on SO , which did the exact same thing horizontally. 在SO上找到了这个答案 ,它在横向上做了完全相同的事情。 Answer provides a working solution that extends LinearLayoutManager . Answer提供了一个扩展LinearLayoutManager的工作解决方案。 I modified it a bit for also adapting vertical lists and it works. 我修改了一下以适应垂直列表并且它可以工作。 If there is any mistake in implementation, let me know in comments. 如果实施中有任何错误,请在评论中告诉我。 Cheers! 干杯!

Custom Layout Manager : 自定义布局管理器

public class CenterZoomLayoutManager extends LinearLayoutManager {

    private final float mShrinkAmount = 0.15f;
    private final float mShrinkDistance = 0.9f;

    public CenterZoomLayoutManager(Context context) {

    public CenterZoomLayoutManager(Context context, int orientation, boolean reverseLayout) {
        super(context, orientation, reverseLayout);

    public int scrollVerticallyBy(int dy, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) {
        int orientation = getOrientation();
        if (orientation == VERTICAL) {
            int scrolled = super.scrollVerticallyBy(dy, recycler, state);
            float midpoint = getHeight() / 2.f;
            float d0 = 0.f;
            float d1 = mShrinkDistance * midpoint;
            float s0 = 1.f;
            float s1 = 1.f - mShrinkAmount;
            for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
                View child = getChildAt(i);
                float childMidpoint =
                        (getDecoratedBottom(child) + getDecoratedTop(child)) / 2.f;
                float d = Math.min(d1, Math.abs(midpoint - childMidpoint));
                float scale = s0 + (s1 - s0) * (d - d0) / (d1 - d0);
            return scrolled;
        } else {
            return 0;

    public int scrollHorizontallyBy(int dx, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) {
        int orientation = getOrientation();
        if (orientation == HORIZONTAL) {
            int scrolled = super.scrollHorizontallyBy(dx, recycler, state);

            float midpoint = getWidth() / 2.f;
            float d0 = 0.f;
            float d1 = mShrinkDistance * midpoint;
            float s0 = 1.f;
            float s1 = 1.f - mShrinkAmount;
            for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
                View child = getChildAt(i);
                float childMidpoint =
                        (getDecoratedRight(child) + getDecoratedLeft(child)) / 2.f;
                float d = Math.min(d1, Math.abs(midpoint - childMidpoint));
                float scale = s0 + (s1 - s0) * (d - d0) / (d1 - d0);
            return scrolled;
        } else {
            return 0;


With horizontal orientation : 水平方向: 在此输入图像描述

with vertical orientation : 垂直方向:


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