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节点代理 - 从基本http服务器代理SSL本地主机目标

[英]Node Proxy - Proxy a SSL localhost target from a basic http server

What I am trying to do: 我想做什么:

Proxy a java api that runs on along side my UI that runs on non-SSL in order to circumnavigate some CORS issues. 代理一个运行在https://上的java api,我的UI运行在非SSL上 ,以便绕过一些CORS问题。

My attempt: 我的尝试:

  1. Proxy the api at the SSL port 443 to my non-SSL development port of 1338. 将SSL端口443上的api代理到我的非SSL开发端口1338。
  2. proxy my UI to 1337 将我的UI代理到1337
  3. Proxy 1137 to :8080/index.html and proxy 1338 to :8080/api/ 代理1137到:8080/index.html和代理1338到:8080/api/
  4. Access my app from localhost:8080 从localhost:8080访问我的应用程序

My problem: 我的问题:

The UI comes in just fine... but I can not hit the API at :8080/api/httpSession/init 用户界面很好......但我无法点击API :8080/api/httpSession/init

Yes, I can still hit the API at https://localhost/api/httpSession/init 是的,我仍然可以通过https://localhost/api/httpSession/init

api.js - Renders index.html at :1337 api.js - Renders index.html at:1337

var app = express();

app.all('*', function (req, res, next) {
  res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
  res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS');
  res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type');

var options = {
  changeOrigin: true,
  target: {
      https: true

httpProxy.createServer(443, '', options).listen(1338);

start.js - Proxies 1337 and 1338 into 8080 start.js - 将代号1337和1338转换为8080

// First I start my two servers
uiServer.start(); // renders index.html at 1337
apiServer.start(); // 

// I attempt to patch them back into one single non-SSL port.
  .use('/', proxy({target: 'http://localhost:1337/'}))
  .all('/api/*', proxy({target: 'http://localhost:1338/'}))
  .listen(8080, function () {
    console.log('PROXY SERVER listening at http://localhost:%s', 8080);

What you're looking for is request piping . 您正在寻找的是请求管道 Try this example: 试试这个例子:

  // Make sure request is in your package.json
  //   if not, npm install --save request
  var request = require('request');

  // Intercept all routes to /api/...
  app.all('/api/*', function (req, res) {
    // Get the original url, it's a fully qualified path
    var apiPath = req.originalUrl;

    // Form the proxied URL to your java API
    var url = '' + apiPath;

    // Fire off the request, and pipe the response
    // to the res handler

Make sure to add some error handling if the api can't be reached, such as this SO solution . 如果无法达到api,请确保添加一些错误处理,例如此SO解决方案

For the proxy issue, my guess is that it is keeping the /api/* in the url and that's not present on the router in your API service. 对于代理问题,我的猜测是它将/api/*保留在url中并且在API服务中的路由器上不存在。 You could try adding /api to the router in the API service since it's going to keep the url string the same when it sends it. 您可以尝试将/api添加到API服务中的路由器,因为它会在发送时保持url字符串相同。 Otherwise, you likely need to proxy and rewrite the url so that the API will match the request to a route. 否则,您可能需要代理并重写URL,以便API将请求与路由匹配。

On another note, what about just installing the cors module and using in the app? 另一方面,如何安装cors模块并在应用程序中使用呢? I do something similar and it's working well without all the proxy items. 我做了类似的事情,并且在没有所有代理项目的情况下运行良好。 https://www.npmjs.com/package/cors https://www.npmjs.com/package/cors

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