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[英]singularize table name when create EDMX file

I have a database table like ApplicationName_T_Attachments once I generate edmx its create table class as ApplicationName_T_Attachments . 我有这样一个数据库表ApplicationName_T_Attachments一次我产生EDMX其创建的表类为ApplicationName_T_Attachments but I want to create a table as ApplicationName_T_Attachment . 但我想创建一个表为ApplicationName_T_Attachment How can I do this ? 我怎样才能做到这一点 ?

While creating your model designer please check this option Pluralize or singularize generated object names (see in picture). 在创建模型设计器时, 请选中此选项以复数化或单数化生成的对象名称 (如图)。 If you will hover your mouse over this line and check box it will show you "makes name in the model more descriptive and accurate by ensuring that Entity type names are singular" means this will automatically singularize all your table class name. 如果将鼠标悬停在此行和复选框上,它将显示“通过确保实体类型名称为单数来使模型中的名称更具描述性和准确性”,这将自动将所有表类名称单数化。


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