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如何在AWS Lambda上使用Grequests?

[英]How do I use Grequests on AWS Lambda?

I have a Lambda function in Python that uses several libraries with binary dependencies: numpy , scipy , Pillow , etc. In the past, I have successfully compiled them on Amazon Linux & deployed to Lambda . 我在Python中有一个Lambda函数,该函数使用几个具有二进制依赖性的库: numpyscipyPillow等。过去,我已经在Amazon Linux上成功编译了它们并将其部署到Lambda

I recently added Grequest to the pile of dependencies, though, and it's throwing errors that don't seem direclty related to Grequest . 不过,我最近将Grequest添加到了一堆依赖项中,并且它抛出的错误似乎与Grequest Other questions on this topic have resulted in dead-ends, so putting my hat in the ring. 关于这个话题的其他问题导致了死胡同,所以我把帽子戴上了。

The first error was a simple Grequests requires gevent or something similar. 第一个错误是简单的Grequests requires gevent或类似的东西。 To solve this, I tried running pip install gevent --no-binary :all: on an Amazon Linux instance, bundling that with my code and uploading to Lambda. 为了解决这个问题,我尝试在Amazon Linux实例上运行pip install gevent --no-binary :all:将其与我的代码捆绑在一起并上传到Lambda。 This had no effect on the error. 这对错误没有影响。

I then downloaded the src from the gevent repo and compiled it using make (the commands in the repo's README threw errors I didn't record). 然后,我gevent下载src并使用make对其进行了编译(存储库README中的命令引发了我未记录的错误)。 This produced an egg file, which I converted to a whl file & ran pip install gevent.whl -t . 这产生了一个egg文件,我将其转换为whl文件并运行pip install gevent.whl -t . .

I bundled the resulting code with my lambda.zip and uploaded. 我将生成的代码与lambda.zip捆绑在一起并上传了。 This led to a new error : module initialization error: lib/libptf77blas.a.gz: invalid ELF header 这导致了一个新错误module initialization error: lib/libptf77blas.a.gz: invalid ELF header

libptf77blas.a.gz is a file in the lib folder in my lambda.zip . libptf77blas.a.gz是我的lambda.zip中的lib文件夹中的文件。 This folder contains several .so and .a files, which I built on AWS Linux while assembling numpy , scipy , Pillow , etc. 此文件夹包含几个.so.a文件,这些文件是我在组装numpyscipyPillow等时在AWS Linux上构建的。

As far as I know, this is a dependency for numpy . 据我所知,这是numpy的依赖项。 The part I don't understand is: my function used numpy (and presumably libptf77blas.a.gz just fine prior to adding grequests . 我不明白的部分是:我的函数使用numpy (大概libptf77blas.a.gz在添加grequests之前就grequests

So I assume something about compiling gevent broke the dependencies for my other binary -dependant libs, or gevent itself requires libptf77blas.a.gz and is confused at what it finds. 因此,我假设有关编译gevent打破了我其他与binary相关的lib的依赖关系,或者gevent本身需要libptf77blas.a.gz并对其发现的内容感到困惑。

I ran ldd on the .so files gevent depends on, but none referenced libptf77blas.a.gz . 我在gevent依赖的.so文件上运行了ldd ,但没有一个引用libptf77blas.a.gz But, I'm a compiling newb, so that's hardly conclusive. 但是,我是一位正在编译的新手,所以这几乎没有定论。

I'd like to achieve the parallel upload Grequests enables, but am unclear how to fix this, or which alternative libraries to use (I usually write JS, so Python is a second language). 我想实现Grequests启用的并行上载,但尚不清楚如何解决此问题,或不清楚要使用哪个替代库(我通常写JS,因此Python是第二语言)。

The problem was entirely a stupid user error from an unrelated matter--follow the steps in the OP and you should be fine. 问题完全是与无关的用户造成的愚蠢用户错误-按照OP中的步骤操作,您应该会很好。

Or just use the copy of grequests I posted on github . 或者只是使用我在github上发布grequests的副本。 It's a zip with grequests , gevent , and greenlet compiled on an Amazon Linux instance. 这是一个zip其中grequests在Amazon Linux实例上编译的grequestsgeventgreenlet It works in my Lambda Function just fine. 它可以在我的Lambda Function正常工作。

As the other questions have stated, you need to make sure the binaries for libev and other things, are compiled using the Amazon Linux Image . 正如其他问题所述,您需要确保使用Amazon Linux Image编译libev等二进制文件。 Basically, you need to install things like numpy, and Grequests on a machine running Amazon Linux as they use C code that needs to be compiled. 基本上,您需要在运行Amazon Linux的计算机上安装numpy和Grequests之类的东西,因为它们使用需要编译的C代码。

The tutorial link in that question looks quite good for building things from source, albeit a little bit more than you need for this. 该问题中的教程链接对于从源代码构建事物看起来非常不错,尽管比您需要的更多。

If you're that new to compiling binaries you should read a bit about make, and look at some examples like building curl . 如果您不熟悉编译二进制文件,则应阅读一些有关make的知识,并查看一些示例,例如构建curl Since you're on Amazon Linux, it uses yum and is quite similar to CentOS. 由于您使用的是Amazon Linux,因此它使用yum,并且与CentOS非常相似。

You might be able to get away with installing numpy and Grequests in a venv on a docker image in CentOS and zipping up the contents from that similar to the tutorial, but I'd first go with launching an EC2 instance using amazon's image and installing stuff there like the tutorial does. 也许可以通过在CentOS的docker映像上的venv上的venv中安装numpy和Grequests并将其内容压缩成类似于本教程的方式来摆脱,但是我首先要使用Amazon的映像启动EC2实例并安装东西就像本教程一样。

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