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[英]How do I pull JSON data from this API?

I'm reworking a weather APP I made using a different API. 我正在重新制作使用其他API制作的天气APP。 I've run into an issue where I can't pull anything from the JSON i get from said API. 我遇到了一个问题,我无法从我从上述API获得的JSON中提取任何内容。 Am I using the wrong notation or is my JSON not actually being passed into my JS script correctly? 我使用了错误的符号,还是我的JSON实际上没有正确传递到我的JS脚本中?

Code on my local machine 我的本地机器上的代码

$(document).ready(function () {

    var long;
    var lat;
    var currentCity;
    var currentState;
    var country;

    $.getJSON("https://crossorigin.me/http://ip-api.com/json", function (data_init) { //access RESTFUL geo location API & set lattitude.longitude
        lat = data_init.lat;
        long = data_init.lon;
        currentCity = data_init.city;
        currentState = data_init.region;
        country = data_init.country;

        $(".heading").append("<h2>" + currentCity + "," + currentState + "<br>" + country + "</h2>");

        var api = "https://crossorigin.me/https://api.darksky.net/forecast/1246aa267663e22a4e428e4b20f0df5b/" + lat + "," + long;
        //Access weather API

        $.getJSON(api, function (data) {

            var iconCode = data.currently.icon; //get Icon from API related to current weather conditions

            $(".message").append("<h4 id='tempData'>Current Temperature: " + data.currently.temp + "&#8451</h4>");
            $(".message").append("<h4>Conditions: " + data.weather[0].main + "</h4>");
            $("#reveal").on('click', function () { //click button
                data.main.tempData //on click convert temperature to farenheight
            $(".message").append("<img id='conditions' src=" + iconUrl + ">");

            $("#tempData").hover(function () {
                $(this).fadeToggle('slow', function () {});
    //$("#reveal").on("click", function(){


I don't know what API you are using, but it looks like your callback is incomplete. 我不知道您使用的是什么API,但是您的回调似乎不完整。

Callbacks are usually written in this format: 回调通常以以下格式编写:

$.getJson("your url", function (err, data) { ... })

You probably forgot to handle err parameter on it. 您可能忘了处理err参数。

Answer: My syntax for accessing the JSON was incorrect. 答:我访问JSON的语法不正确。 I was trying to access the property 'Currently'.It should be... 我正在尝试访问``当前''属性,应该是...

var iconCode = data.currently.icon; 
$(".message").append("<h4 id='tempData'>Current Temperature: "+data.currently.temperature+"&#8451</h4>");

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