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SQL Server CE:在列中选择第一个值

[英]SQL Server CE: Select first value in column

I'm trying to get the date from my database but only the first one that matches, I don't need the other ones as I only want to display it one time and otherwise the foreach writes it out multiple time depending on the number of results of course. 我正在尝试从数据库中获取日期,但是只有第一个匹配的日期,我不需要其他日期,因为我只想显示一次,否则,foreach会多次写入它,具体取决于结果当然。

var getDate = "SELECT date FROM Test WHERE date = '" + inputDate + "'";

foreach (var c in db.Query(getDate)) {
    DateTime Date = c.date;
    var showDate = Date.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy");

I have tried limit , first and top with no success, I've also found that it has to be SQL Server CE v.3.5+ but I don't know what I have, as I use webmatrix and cant find any info on it. 我尝试了limitfirsttop ,但都没有成功,我还发现它必须是SQL Server CE v.3.5 +,但是我不知道自己拥有什么,因为我使用了webmatrix并且找不到任何信息。

Is there any way to just display the first row of date that matches and write it out by itself all alone? 有什么方法可以显示匹配的第一行日期并单独写出来吗?

You can simply add a break after <a>@showDate</a> , as follow: 您可以在<a>@showDate</a>之后添加一个break ,如下所示:

var getDate = "SELECT date FROM Test WHERE date = '" + inputDate + "'";

foreach (var c in db.Query(getDate)) {
    DateTime Date = c.date;
    var showDate = Date.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy");

break command force the exit from a loop ( foreach is a loop) break命令强制退出循环( foreach为循环)


var getDate = "SELECT TOP 1 [date] FROM [Test] WHERE [date] = '" + inputDate + "'";

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