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在Yasm x86程序集中初始化结构

[英]Initializing a struct in yasm x86 assembly

I'm trying to initialize a WIN32_FIND_DATA structure in which to store info about files found with FindFirstFile and FindNextFile windows functions. 我正在尝试初始化WIN32_FIND_DATA结构,在其中存储有关使用FindFirstFile和FindNextFile Windows函数找到的文件的信息。 The problem is that i can't figure out how to initialize a stuct in yasm. 问题是我不知道如何在Yasm中初始化构造。 Here's my code: 这是我的代码:

    struc FILETIME
.dwLowDateTime resd 1
.dwHighDateTime resd 1

.dwFileAttributes   resd 1
.ftCreationTime     resb FILETIME_size
.ftLastAccessTime   resb FILETIME_size
.ftLastWriteTime    resb FILETIME_size
.nFileSizeHigh      resd 1
.nFileSizeLow       resd 1
.dwReserved0        resd 1
.dwReserved1        resd 1
.cFileName          resb 260
.cAlternateFileName resb 14

[bits 32]

section .text 

extern _exit

global  _main 


        push    0
        call    _exit

section .data

    istruc WIN32_FIND_DATA 
        at a, dd     0
        at b, db     0
        at c, db     0
        at d, db     0
        at e, dd     0
        at f, dd     0
        at g, dd     0
        at h, dd     0
        at i, db     0

The errors i get are: 我得到的错误是:

testStruct.asm:38: error: undefined symbol `b' (first use)
testStruct.asm:38: error:  (Each undefined symbol is reported only once.)
testStruct.asm:39: error: undefined symbol `c' (first use)
testStruct.asm:40: error: undefined symbol `d' (first use)
testStruct.asm:41: error: undefined symbol `e' (first use)
testStruct.asm:42: error: undefined symbol `f' (first use)
testStruct.asm:43: error: undefined symbol `g' (first use)
testStruct.asm:44: error: undefined symbol `h' (first use)
testStruct.asm:45: error: undefined symbol `i' (first use)
istruc  WIN32_FIND_DATA 
at WIN32_FIND_DATA.dwFileAttributes,dd 0
at WIN32_FIND_DATA.ftCreationTime,db 0
at WIN32_FIND_DATA.ftLastAccessTime, db 0
at WIN32_FIND_DATA.ftLastWriteTime, db 0
at WIN32_FIND_DATA.nFileSizeHigh, dd 0
at WIN32_FIND_DATA.nFileSizeLow, dd 0
at WIN32_FIND_DATA.dwReserved0, dd 0
at WIN32_FIND_DATA.dwReserved1, dd 0
at WIN32_FIND_DATA.cFileName, db 0
at WIN32_FIND_DATA.cAlternateFileName,db 0

You have to specify the struct name,otherwise the assembler cannot know which fields you are referring to. 您必须指定结构名称,否则汇编器无法知道您要引用的字段。

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