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[英]How to redirect with InvalidAuthenticityToken error

I've discovered that the handle_unverified_request method can be overridden in the ApplicationController to rewrite how Rails handles InvalidAuthenticityToken errors. 我发现可以在ApplicationController中重写handle_unverified_request方法以重写Rails如何处理InvalidAuthenticityToken错误。 By default the handle_unverified_request will raise the InvalidAuthenticityToken error. 默认情况下, handle_unverified_request将引发InvalidAuthenticityToken错误。 I've overridden this method like so 我已经像这样重写了这种方法

def handle_unverified_request
  redirect_to '/422'

However, I'm using Airbrake which records errors that are raised on my Rails application. 但是,我使用的是Airbrake,它记录了在Rails应用程序中引发的错误。 According to this answer , Rails can raise the error AND redirect the user to the 404 page. 根据此答案 ,Rails会引发错误并将用户重定向到404页面。 Does the same thing exist for the 422 page? 422页是否存在相同的内容? I want to raise the InvalidAuthenticityToken and redirect the user to the 422 page. 我想提出InvalidAuthenticityToken并将用户重定向到422页。 How do I do that? 我怎么做?

ApplicationController.rb ApplicationController.rb

  protect_from_forgery with: :exception

  rescue_from ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken, with: :rescue_422

  def handle_unverified_request

  def rescue_422
    redirect_to '/422'

According to the link, you posted, Rails does not redirect the user to the 404 page, it renders 404 page instead. 根据您发布的链接,Rails不会redirect用户redirect到404页面,而是renders 404页面。 When InvalidAuthenticityToken error, Rails must render 422 page by default. InvalidAuthenticityToken错误时,默认情况下,Rails必须render 422页。 It is done on Rack Middleware level. 它是在机架中间件级别上完成的。

If default behaviour is not what you want and you need redirect and Airbrake to log the exception, then you have to handle the exception and do the redirect AFTER! 如果默认行为不是您想要的,并且您需要redirect和Airbrake来记录异常,那么您必须处理异常并在之后进行重定向! Airbrake logs it. 气刹记录下来。 I think that Airbrake logs exceptions on the Rake Middleware level, so you will have to somehow customize Rack Middleware's exceptions handler to get what you want. 我认为Airbrake在Rake中间件级别记录异常,因此您必须以某种方式自定义Rack中间件的异常处理程序以获取所需的内容。 You will have to find out where Airbrake logs exceptions and make sure that your custom exceptions handler works after the logging. 您将必须找出Airbrake在哪里记录异常,并确保在记录后您的自定义异常处理程序可以工作。

Are you sure you want redirect , not render ? 您确定要redirect而不是render吗?

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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