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使用Node中的mongodb驱动程序进行不区分大小写的“ like”查询

[英]Making a case-insensitive “like” query using the mongodb driver in Node

I'm looking to make a query like mentioned in the title with an array of data. 我正在寻找一个如标题中提到的带有数据数组的查询。

I have this line working.. 我有这条线在工作..

collection.find({"name": {"$in":[/papa JOhn's/i,"Taco Bell"]}}).toArray(function(err, items) {

However, the data is going to be dynamic and fed into the query as an array 但是,数据将是动态的,并以数组的形式输入到查询中

restaurant_data = [rest1, rest2 .... restn]

I want to essentially have something like 我本质上想要

collection.find({"name": {"$in": /restaurant_data/i }}).toArray(function(err, items) {

My Attempt.. 我的尝试

let test_data = ['papa john', 'taco bell']
//Get an array of the restaurant names here

collection.find({"name": {"$in": test_data.map(element => {


})}}).toArray(function(err, items) {

My working attempt! 我的工作尝试!

I got it doing this... Not sure if it's the most efficient 我是这样做的...不确定是否是最有效的

let test_data = ['papa john', 'taco bell']

collection.find({"name": {"$in": test_data.map((element) => {
  var regex = new RegExp(".*" + element + ".*");
  return regex
})}}).toArray(function(err, items) {
collection.find({"name": {"$in":
  restaurant_data.map(e => new RegExp(e, 'i'))

has better chance to work. 有更好的工作机会。 Note that /bla/i will match blabla so 请注意, /bla/i将与blabla匹配,因此

collection.find({"name": {"$in": [/bla/i] } })

will match documents with name blabla Not sure this is what you want or not. 将匹配名称为blabla文档。不确定这是否是您想要的。

If you're using mongodb 3.2+ I'd recommending you using the property Collation as using Regex might make the queries quite slower, you can use it in both creating indexes as well as querying: 如果您使用的是mongodb 3.2+,则建议您使用归类属性,因为使用Regex可能会使查询变慢,因此您可以在创建索引和查询时都使用它:

db.peeps.createIndex({UserName:-1}, { collation: {locale:'en', caseLevel:false, caseFirst: "off"} )
db.peeps.find({UserName:'bob'}).collation({locale:'en', caseLevel:false, caseFirst: "off"}) // 3 results!

However, as I've faced this problem as well when I tried using collation it made my queries at least 2 times slower so I ended up sticking with inserting lowerCase data in mongodb and then validating and using toLowerCase in the payload fields instead of using Collation. 但是,由于我在尝试使用排序规则时也遇到了此问题,它使查询速度至少慢了2倍,所以我最终坚持在mongodb中插入lowerCase数据,然后在有效负载字段中验证并使用toLowerCase而不是使用排序规则。

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