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[英]Rails polymorphic association won't save _type

I have a few models in my project : Request, Work, Car and Employee. 我的项目中有几个模型:请求,工作,汽车和员工。 Work is an intermediate model between Request and Car/Employee. 工作是Request和Car / Employee之间的中间模型。

Here are the associations: 以下是关联:

Request 请求

has_many :works, dependent: :destroy
def performers
  works.map {|x| x.performer}

Work 工作

belongs_to :request
belongs_to :performer, polymorphic: true

Car 汽车

has_many :works, as: :performer
has_many :requests, through: :works, as: :performer

Employee 雇员

has_many :works, as: :performer
has_many :requests, through: :works, as: :performer

View used to create works: 用于创建作品的视图

<%= form_for([@request, @work]) do |f| %>
    <%= (f.collection_select :performer_id, Employee.all, :id, :name) if @request.type == "StaffRequest" %>
    <%= (f.collection_select :performer_id, Car.all, :id, :select_info) if @request.type == "CarRequest" %>
    <%= f.submit 'OK' %>
<% end %>

Work controller 工作控制器

  def new
    @work = @request.works.new

  def create
    @work = @request.works.new(work_params)

  def work_params
      params.require(:work).permit(:performer_id, :request_id)

The problem is that my performer_type column is always empty, it does not save the class name. 问题是我的performer_type列始终为空,它不保存类名。 What can be the problem? 可能是什么问题? Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

It's empty because you did't pass it, you should add a hidden field for you form: 它是空的,因为您没有通过它,您应该为表单添加一个隐藏字段:

<%= form_for([@request, @work]) do |f| %>
  <% if @request.type == "StaffRequest" %>
    <%= (f.hidden_field :performer_type, value: "Employee")  %>
    <%= (f.collection_select :performer_id, Employee.all, :id, :name)  %>
  <% elsif @request.type == "CarRequest" %>
    <%= (f.hidden_field :performer_type, value: "Car") %>
    <%= (f.collection_select :performer_id, Car.all, :id, :select_info) %>
  <% end %>
    <%= f.submit 'OK' %>
<% end %>

Beside :performer_id, you have to pass the :performer_type also, one way to do this is via the form select_tag : 除了:performer_id之外,您还必须传递:performer_type,一种方法是通过select_tag形式:

def create 
  @work = @request.works.new(work_params)

def work_params
  # use :performer if you use :performer as in the select form field
  params.require(:work).permit(:performer, :request_id)

  # OR

  # use :performer_id & :performer_type if you also use the hidden field
  params.require(:work).permit(:performer_id, :performer_type, :request_id)

There is a good example (for Rails 4.2) of using a single select form field for polymorphic so you can write like: 有一个很好的示例(对于Rails 4.2),将单个选择表单字段用于多态,因此您可以这样编写:

<%= f.grouped_collection_select :global_performer, [ Car, Employee ], :all, :model_name, :to_global_id, :name %>

How to create grouped select box in Rails for polymorphic association using Global ID? 如何使用全局ID在Rails中为多态关联创建分组选择框?

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