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[英]Laravel: Edit file in the vendor directory

I am working with laravel and I have installed a package using composer by running this command composer require mailchimp/mailchimp=~2.0 . 我正在使用laravel并且已经通过运行以下命令使用composer安装了软件包composer require mailchimp/mailchimp=~2.0

After that I got a folder 'mailchimp' in the vendor directory. 之后,我在供应商目录中得到了一个文件夹“ mailchimp”。 In there, there is a file named Mailchimp.php that I have to modify, but based on some old posts here, if I modify the file, any time I run the command composer update , I will loose my changes in the file, just because it is located in the vendor directory. 在那里,有一个我必须修改的名为Mailchimp.php的文件,但是根据这里的一些旧文章,如果我修改了该文件,则无论何时运行命令composer update ,我都会在文件中丢失更改,只是因为它位于vendor目录中。 So is there any option for me to solve this problem ? 那么我有什么选择解决这个问题吗?

I tried using the command php artisan vendor:publish but I do not get the expected results. 我尝试使用命令php artisan vendor:publish命令,但没有得到预期的结果。

You can create a custom class which will extend the Mailchimp class and override the function you want. 您可以创建一个自定义类,该类将扩展Mailchimp类并覆盖所需的功能。 Then use the custom class in your code. 然后在代码中使用自定义类。

use DrewM\MailChimp\MailChimp;

class CustomMailChimp extends MailChimp {
    // The function you would like to override

Then use it new CustomMailChimp(..) 然后使用它new CustomMailChimp(..)

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