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[英]Showing text on LCD Display with C# UWP and GPIO

I'm currently trying to show "Hello World" on 16x2 LCD display which I have already connected to the breadboard, which is connecting to Raspberry Pi with Windows 10 IoT Core. 我目前正在尝试在16x2 LCD显示屏上显示“ Hello World”,该显示屏已经连接到试验板,该试验板已通过Windows 10 IoT核心版连接到Raspberry Pi。 I have searched libraries that might be able to handle. 我搜索了可能能够处理的库。 I found RaspberryPiDotNet Library but it is not compatible with UWP as it seems. 我找到了RaspberryPiDotNet库,但是看起来它与UWP不兼容。

Is there any libraries or ways to get "Hello World" on my screen? 是否有任何库或方法可以在屏幕上显示“ Hello World”?

What I have tried: 我试过的

  • Import the library to the project. 将库导入项目。 It is in .sln format so I tried to make .dll out of it, and it causes incompatibility that one is using .NET Core, while other uses .NET Framework 它采用.sln格式,因此我试图将其制成.dll,这会导致一个人使用.NET Core而不兼容另一个人使用.NET Framework的不兼容性。
  • Find C# APIs that allows LCD display 查找允许LCD显示的C#API

You can find a lot of samples for this topic on the Microsoft Developers page. 您可以在Microsoft开发人员页面上找到许多有关此主题的示例。

Microsoft projects 微软项目

Example 1 Example 2 示例1 示例2

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