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从 C# 调用 CreateProcessAsUser

[英]Calling CreateProcessAsUser from C#

I've been attempting to create a new process under the context of a specific user using the CreateProcessAsUser function of the Windows API, but seem to be running into a rather nasty security issue...我一直在尝试使用 Windows API 的CreateProcessAsUser function 在特定用户的上下文中创建一个新进程,但似乎遇到了一个相当讨厌的安全问题......

Before I explain any further, here's the code I'm currently using to start the new process (a console process - PowerShell to be specific, though it shouldn't matter).在我进一步解释之前,这是我目前用于启动新进程的代码(控制台进程 - 具体来说是 PowerShell,尽管这无关紧要)。

    private void StartProcess()
        bool retValue;

        // Create startup info for new console process.
        var startupInfo = new STARTUPINFO();
        startupInfo.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(startupInfo);
        startupInfo.dwFlags = StartFlags.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
        startupInfo.wShowWindow = _consoleVisible ? WindowShowStyle.Show : WindowShowStyle.Hide;
        startupInfo.lpTitle = this.ConsoleTitle ?? "Console";

        var procAttrs = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
        var threadAttrs = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
        procAttrs.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(procAttrs);
        threadAttrs.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(threadAttrs);

        // Log on user temporarily in order to start console process in its security context.
        var hUserToken = IntPtr.Zero;
        var hUserTokenDuplicate = IntPtr.Zero;
        var pEnvironmentBlock = IntPtr.Zero;
        var pNewEnvironmentBlock = IntPtr.Zero;

        if (!WinApi.LogonUser("UserName", null, "Password",
            LogonType.Interactive, LogonProvider.Default, out hUserToken))
            throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), "Error logging on user.");

        var duplicateTokenAttrs = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
        duplicateTokenAttrs.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(duplicateTokenAttrs);
        if (!WinApi.DuplicateTokenEx(hUserToken, 0, ref duplicateTokenAttrs,
            SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.SecurityImpersonation, TOKEN_TYPE.TokenPrimary,
            out hUserTokenDuplicate))
            throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), "Error duplicating user token.");

            // Get block of environment vars for logged on user.
            if (!WinApi.CreateEnvironmentBlock(out pEnvironmentBlock, hUserToken, false))
                throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(),
                    "Error getting block of environment variables for user.");

            // Read block as array of strings, one per variable.
            var envVars = ReadEnvironmentVariables(pEnvironmentBlock);

            // Append custom environment variables to list.
            foreach (var var in this.EnvironmentVariables)
                envVars.Add(var.Key + "=" + var.Value);

            // Recreate environment block from array of variables.
            var newEnvironmentBlock = string.Join("\0", envVars.ToArray()) + "\0";
            pNewEnvironmentBlock = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(newEnvironmentBlock);

            // Start new console process.
            retValue = WinApi.CreateProcessAsUser(hUserTokenDuplicate, null, this.CommandLine,
                ref procAttrs, ref threadAttrs, false, CreationFlags.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE |
                CreationFlags.CREATE_SUSPENDED | CreationFlags.CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT,
                pNewEnvironmentBlock, null, ref startupInfo, out _processInfo);
            if (!retValue) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(),
                "Unable to create new console process.");
            // Catch any exception thrown here so as to prevent any malicious program operating
            // within the security context of the logged in user.

            // Clean up.
            if (hUserToken != IntPtr.Zero)
                hUserToken = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (hUserTokenDuplicate != IntPtr.Zero)
                hUserTokenDuplicate = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (pEnvironmentBlock != IntPtr.Zero)
                pEnvironmentBlock = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (pNewEnvironmentBlock != IntPtr.Zero)
                pNewEnvironmentBlock = IntPtr.Zero;

            // Clean up.
            if (hUserToken != IntPtr.Zero)

            if (hUserTokenDuplicate != IntPtr.Zero)

            if (pEnvironmentBlock != IntPtr.Zero)

            if (pNewEnvironmentBlock != IntPtr.Zero)

        _process = Process.GetProcessById(_processInfo.dwProcessId);

For the sake of the issue here, ignore the code dealing with the environment variables (I've tested that section independently and it seems to work.)为了这里的问题,忽略处理环境变量的代码(我已经独立测试了该部分,它似乎工作。)

Now, the error I get is the following (thrown at the line following the call to CreateProcessAsUSer ):现在,我得到的错误如下(在调用CreateProcessAsUSer之后的行中抛出):

"A required privilege is not held by the client" (error code 1314) “客户端未持有所需的权限”(错误代码 1314)

(The error message was discovered by removing the message parameter from the Win32Exception constructor. Admittedly, my error handling code here may not be the best, but that's a somewhat irrelevant matter. You're welcome to comment on it if you wish, however.) I'm really quite confused as to the cause of this vague error in this situation. (错误消息是通过从 Win32Exception 构造函数中删除 message 参数发现的。诚然,我这里的错误处理代码可能不是最好的,但这有点无关紧要。但是,如果您愿意,欢迎您对此发表评论。 ) 对于这种情况下这种模糊错误的原因,我真的很困惑。 MSDN documentation and various forum threads have only given me so much advice, and especially given that the causes for such errors appear to be widely varied, I have no idea which section of code I need to modify. MSDN 文档和各种论坛帖子只给了我这么多建议,特别是考虑到此类错误的原因似乎多种多样,我不知道我需要修改哪段代码。 Perhaps it is simply a single parameter I need to change, but I could be making the wrong/not enough WinAPI calls for all I know.也许这只是我需要更改的一个参数,但我可能会做错/不够 WinAPI 调用我所知道的。 What confuses me greatly is that the previous version of the code that uses the plain CreateProcess function (equivalent except for the user token parameter) worked perfectly fine.令我非常困惑的是,使用普通CreateProcess function 的代码的先前版本(除用户令牌参数外等效)工作得非常好。 As I understand, it is only necessary to call the Logon user function to receive the appropriate token handle and then duplicate it so that it can be passed to CreateProcessAsUser .据我了解,只需调用登录用户 function 即可接收适当的令牌句柄,然后将其复制以便可以传递给CreateProcessAsUser

Any suggestions for modifications to the code as well as explanations would be very welcome.非常欢迎对代码修改和解释提出任何建议。


I've been primarily referring to the MSDN docs (as well as PInvoke.net for the C# function/strut/enum declarations).我主要指的是 MSDN 文档(以及C#函数/strut/enum 声明的 PInvoke.net)。 The following pages in particular seem to have a lot of information in the Remarks sections, some of which may be important and eluding me:特别是以下页面似乎在备注部分中有很多信息,其中一些可能很重要并且我无法理解:


I've just tried out Mitch's suggestion, but unfortunately the old error has just been replaced by a new one: "The system cannot find the file specified."我刚刚尝试了 Mitch 的建议,但不幸的是,旧的错误刚刚被一个新的错误所取代:“系统找不到指定的文件。” (error code 2) (错误代码 2)

The previous call to CreateProcessAsUser was replaced with the following:先前对CreateProcessAsUser的调用已替换为以下内容:

retValue = WinApi.CreateProcessWithTokenW(hUserToken, LogonFlags.WithProfile, null,
    this.CommandLine, CreationFlags.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE |
    pNewEnvironmentBlock, null, ref startupInfo, out _processInfo);

Note that this code no longer uses the duplicate token but rather the original, as the MSDN docs appear to suggest.请注意,正如 MSDN 文档所暗示的那样,此代码不再使用重复的令牌,而是使用原始令牌。

And here's another attempt using CreateProcessWithLogonW .这是使用CreateProcessWithLogonW的另一种尝试。 The error this time is "Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password" (error code 1326)这次的错误是“登录失败:未知用户名或密码错误”(错误代码1326)

retValue = WinApi.CreateProcessWithLogonW("Alex", null, "password",
    LogonFlags.WithProfile, null, this.CommandLine,
    CreationFlags.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | CreationFlags.CREATE_SUSPENDED |
    CreationFlags.CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, pNewEnvironmentBlock,
    null, ref startupInfo, out _processInfo);

I've also tried specifying the username in UPN format ("Alex@Alex-PC") and passing the domain independently as the second argument, all to no avail (identical error).我还尝试以 UPN 格式(“Alex@Alex-PC”)指定用户名并将域作为第二个参数独立传递,但都无济于事(相同的错误)。

Ahh... seems liker I've been caught out by one of the biggest gotchas in WinAPI interop programming.啊……似乎我被 WinAPI 互操作编程中最大的陷阱之一抓住了。 Also, Posting the code for my function declarations would have been a wise idea in this case.此外,在这种情况下,发布我的 function 声明的代码将是一个明智的主意。

Anyway, all that I needed to do was add an argument to the DllImport attribute of the function specifying CharSet = CharSet.Unicode .无论如何,我需要做的就是向 function 的 DllImport 属性添加一个参数,指定CharSet = CharSet.Unicode This did the trick for both the CreateProcessWithLogonW and CreateProcessWithTokenW functions.这对CreateProcessWithLogonWCreateProcessWithTokenW函数都起到了作用。 I guess it finally just hit me that the W suffix of the function names referred to Unicode and that I needed to explicitly specify this in C#!我想它终于让我想到了 function 名称的 W 后缀指的是 Unicode 并且我需要在 C# 中明确指定它! Here are the correct function declarations in case anyone is interested:以下是正确的 function 声明,以防有人感兴趣:

[DllImport("advapi32", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool CreateProcessWithLogonW(string principal, string authority,
    string password, LogonFlags logonFlags, string appName, string cmdLine,
    CreationFlags creationFlags, IntPtr environmentBlock, string currentDirectory,
    ref STARTUPINFO startupInfo, out PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo);

[DllImport("advapi32", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool CreateProcessWithTokenW(IntPtr hToken, LogonFlags dwLogonFlags,
    string lpApplicationName, string lpCommandLine, CreationFlags dwCreationFlags,
    IntPtr lpEnvironment, string lpCurrentDirectory, [In] ref STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo,
    out PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation);

From here :这里

Typically, the process that calls the CreateProcessAsUser function must have the SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME and SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME privileges.通常,调用 CreateProcessAsUser function 的进程必须具有 SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME 和 SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME 权限。 If this function fails with ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD (1314), use the CreateProcessWithLogonW function instead.如果此 function 因 ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD (1314) 而失败,请改用 CreateProcessWithLogonW function。 CreateProcessWithLogonW requires no special privileges, but the specified user account must be allowed to log on interactively. CreateProcessWithLogonW 不需要特殊权限,但必须允许指定的用户帐户以交互方式登录。 Generally, it is best to use CreateProcessWithLogonW to create a process with alternate credentials.通常,最好使用 CreateProcessWithLogonW 创建具有备用凭据的进程。

See this blog post How to call CreateProcessWithLogonW & CreateProcessAsUser in .NET请参阅此博客文章如何在 .NET 中调用 CreateProcessWithLogonW 和 CreateProcessAsUser

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