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OS X 中的 AWS ElasticBeanstalk CLI:未找到 EB 命令

[英]AWS ElasticBeanstalk CLI in OS X: EB Command Not Found

I am running into an error attempting to run the ElasticBeanstalk CLI tools on Mac OSX.我尝试在 Mac OSX 上运行 ElasticBeanstalk CLI 工具时遇到错误。 I have been troubleshooting path issues and hope someone can shed some light.我一直在解决路径问题,希望有人能提供一些启示。 Here is my set up.这是我的设置。

I am running Mac OS X El Capital 10.11.6, and I have manually installed Python 3.4 (via the download installer on python.org).我正在运行 Mac OS X El Capital 10.11.6,并且我手动安装了 Python 3.4(通过 python.org 上的下载安装程序)。 I can see that it is installed correctly in /Library/Frameworks/Python.frameworks/Versions .我可以看到它已正确安装在/Library/Frameworks/Python.frameworks/Versions中。 Commands beginning with python3 work as expected.python3开头的命令按预期工作。 I have also installed the the AWS ElasticBeanstalk CLI tools by running sudo pip3 install --upgrade awsebcli and can confirm it is located in the /Users/myuser/Library/Python/3.4/lib/python/site-packages/ directory.我还通过运行sudo pip3 install --upgrade awsebcli了 AWS ElasticBeanstalk CLI 工具,并且可以确认它位于/Users/myuser/Library/Python/3.4/lib/python/site-packages/目录中。

I have experimented with modifying my ~/.bash_profile , as well as removing it.我已经尝试修改我的~/.bash_profile以及删除它。 When I run echo $PATH , here is my output:当我运行echo $PATH时,这是我的 output:


Here is my ~/.bash_profile这是我的~/.bash_profile

# Load the default .profile
[[ -s "$HOME/.profile" ]] && source "$HOME/.profile" 

# Load RVM into a shell session *as a function*
#[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"

# Setting PATH for Python 3.4
# The orginal version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave

# Setting PATH for Python 3.4 site packages
export PATH

After a lot more trial and error, I finally got this working.经过更多的反复试验,我终于得到了这个工作。 Here are the steps I took.这是我采取的步骤。

  1. Installed the AWS CLI tools for Python 3+.安装了适用于 Python 3+ 的 AWS CLI 工具。 pip3 install awscli pip3 安装 awscli
  2. Uninstalled the EB CLI for /System/Library/Python.卸载了 /System/Library/Python 的 EB CLI。 pip uninstall awsebcli pip卸载awsebcli
  3. Uninstalled the EB CLI for /Library/Python.卸载了 /Library/Python 的 EB CLI。 pip uninstall awsebcli pip卸载awsebcli
  4. Installed the EB CLI for /Library/Python with pip.使用 pip 为 /Library/Python 安装了 EB CLI。 pip3 install awsebcli pip3 安装 awsebcli
  5. Removed the paths to the site packages directories from my ~/.bash_profile .从我的~/.bash_profile删除了站点包目录的路径。
  6. Added the following to my ~/.bash_profile .将以下内容添加到我的~/.bash_profile

     # Setting the path for Python 3.4 PATH="/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4:${PATH}" export PATH
  7. Opened a new terminal window.打开一个新的终端窗口。 (Can also run source ~/.bash_profile ). (也可以运行source ~/.bash_profile )。

  8. Changed into the project directory.更改为项目目录。
  9. Ran eb --version and got the following output:运行eb --version并得到以下输出:

     EB CLI 3.9.0 (Python 3.4.4)

I realize it's uncool to post one's own answer, but hopefully my trial and error will be helpful to someone else with messed up paths.我意识到发布自己的答案很不酷,但希望我的尝试和错误对其他人有帮助。

I faced the same problem.我遇到了同样的问题。 Just upgrading the awsebcli can help : pip install --upgrade awsebcli只需升级 awsebcli 就可以帮助: pip install --upgrade awsebcli

I had the same problem, I followed the instructions provided on aws official doc and it worked.我遇到了同样的问题,我按照aws 官方文档中提供的说明进行操作,并且成功了。

  1. git clone https://github.com/aws/aws-elastic-beanstalk-cli-setup.git
  2. ./aws-elastic-beanstalk-cli-setup/scripts/bundled_installer
  3. echo 'export PATH="/home/<YOUR_USERNAME>/.ebcli-virtual-env/executables:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile

Then eb --version gave the expected output :然后eb --version给出了预期的输出:

EB CLI 3.15.3 (Python 3.7.2) EB CLI 3.15.3(Python 3.7.2)

Was having Zsh, this is what worked for me.拥有 Zsh,这对我有用。 Installed the latest python package from the main python website, and then:从主要 python 网站安装最新的 python 包,然后:

export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin:$PATH

And setting the profile to并将配置文件设置为

$ source ~/.zshrc

Installed, pip3 install awscli and pip3 install awsebcli安装, pip3 install awsclipip3 install awsebcli

Check version to verify:检查版本以验证:

eb --version // EB CLI 3.12.4 (Python 3.6.4)

Hope this helps.希望这可以帮助。

Homebrew Solution自制解决方案

When upgrading to macOS Big Sur, my eb cli command stopped working.升级到 macOS Big Sur 时,我的eb cli 命令停止工作。 The shebang line in my /usr/local/bin/eb file was referencing an old version of python that got blown away with the os upgrade.我的/usr/local/bin/eb文件中的 shebang 行引用了旧版本的 python,该版本因 os 升级而被吹走。

I upgraded and re-linked the awsebcli and all is now working again.我升级并重新链接了awsebcli ,现在一切都awsebcli正常了。

brew upgrade awsebcli
brew link --overwrite aws-elasticbeanstalk
eb --version

I get this warning when reinstall awsebcli: WARNING: The scripts eb and ebp are installed in '/Users//Library/Python/3.8/bin' which is not on PATH.重新安装 awsebcli 时收到此警告:警告:脚本 eb 和 ebp 安装在 '/Users//Library/Python/3.8/bin' 中,它不在 PATH 上。

In this case just add below path into your ~/.bash_profile is working fine.在这种情况下,只需将以下路径添加到您的 ~/.bash_profile 中即可。

export PATH=/Users/<you>/Library/Python/3.8/bin:$PATH

I had the same issue.我遇到过同样的问题。 Do not run "pip install awsebcli --upgrade --user" when you install it for the first time.首次安装时不要运行“pip install awsebcli --upgrade --user”。 Run "pip install awsebcli" instead.改为运行“pip install awsebcli”。

Steps to fix it:修复它的步骤:

  • pip uninstall awsebcli; pip 卸载 awsebcli;
  • pip install awsebcli; pip 安装 awsebcli;
  • pip install awsebcli --upgrade --user; pip 安装 awsebcli --upgrade --user;

After all above steps "eb --version" should display the correct version with no errors.完成上述所有步骤后,“eb --version”应该显示正确的版本,没有错误。

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