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[英]Why are my images holding up the page load, and how can I defer it/ make it asynchronous or lazy?

I've scouted many forums and blogs and questions and sites and whatnot but cannot seem to find a solution that works for me - I am trying to load images using pure javascript without halting the rest of the page to load, and without relying on third party libraries. 我搜寻了许多论坛,博客,问题和站点,但似乎找不到适合我的解决方案-我正在尝试使用纯JavaScript加载图像,而不会暂停其余页面的加载,并且不依赖于第三个政党图书馆。

On the site I work on, there may be between 0 - 30 images that may load, of different resolutions, and as you may imagine, might slow down performance to a halt on slower connections (which is what I am trying to prevent now - I want the user to see info on the page and worry less about images hooting up the performance on it) 在我工作的网站上,可能会加载0-30张分辨率不同的图像,并且您可能会想到,在较慢的连接上,性能可能会降低,从而停止(这是我现在要防止的事情-我希望用户在页面上看到信息,而不必担心图片会影响其性能)

on my latest attempt: 在我最近的尝试中:

(function () {
    // jquery is unavailable here. using javascript counterpart.

    var carouselDivs = document.querySelectorAll('#caruselImagesDivs div[data-url]');
    var carouselIndicators = document.querySelector('.carousel-indicators');
    var carouselInner = document.querySelector('.carousel-inner');
    for (var i = 0; i < carouselDivs.length; i++) {
        var liIndicator = document.createElement('LI');
        liIndicator.dataset.target = "#property_image_gallery";
        liIndicator.dataset.slideTo = i + 1;

        var divItem = document.createElement('DIV');
        divItem.className = "item";

        var image = document.createElement('IMG');
        image.dataset.src = carouselDivs[i].dataset.url;
        image.classname = 'img-responsive center-block';

        // for some reason I thought this might work, but it hasn't.
        image.onload = function () {
            image.src = image.dataset.src;
            image.onload = function () { };
        image.src = '/Images/blankbeacon.jpg';


I tried deferring the loading of the images too (the top code section hadn't had the onload event then): 我也尝试过延迟图像的加载(然后,顶部代码部分没有onload事件):

function initImg() {
        var imgs = document.querySelectorAll('#property_image_gallery .carousel-inner .item img');
        for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) {
            var imgSource = imgs[i].dataset.src;
            imgs[i].src = imgSource;

window.onload = initImg

2 hours in. no results. 2小时内。没有结果。 I am stumped. 我感到难过。 What am I missing? 我想念什么? how can I force the browser to just move on with life and load those images later on? 如何强制浏览器继续运行并稍后加载这些图像?


At first, you may load images one after one, using recursive functions: 首先,您可以使用递归函数一个接一个地加载图像:

function addimg(img){
    addimg(nextimg) ;
    img.onload=null;//kill closure -> free the js memory

Start that if the html is loaded completely: 从开始,如果html完全加载:


(pseudocode) (伪代码)

You can also use a image compressor tool to make the images load faster. 您还可以使用图像压缩器工具来加快图像加载速度。 http://optimizilla.com/ http://optimizilla.com/

This is a great article that might also help you 这是一篇很棒的文章,可能对您也有帮助

https://varvy.com/pagespeed/defer-images.html https://varvy.com/pagespeed/defer-images.html

Few suggestions: 几点建议:

  1. If the images are not in the current viewport and are taking up too much initial bandwidth then i suggest to lazy load images when the user is in (or close to) the same viewport of the images. 如果图像不在当前视口中并且占用了过多的初始带宽,那么我建议在用户位于(或接近)图像的相同视口时延迟加载图像。

  2. You can also try deferring the images like what you are doing, but ensure the script is run right before the end body tag. 您也可以像执行操作一样尝试延迟图像,但是要确保脚本在end body标签之前运行。

  3. I also suggest doing things like making sure images are correctly compressed and resized (you have an image there that is 225kb which isnt ideal) 我还建议您执行一些操作,例如确保正确压缩图像并调整大小(您的图像有225kb ,这是不理想的)

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