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[英]knockout js selected option

I have a select tag in my html with knockout js binding. 我在我的HTML中有一个带有剔除js绑定的选择标签。

<select class="form-control " data-bind="options: loanTimesBorrower,
   optionsText: loanTimesBorrower(),
   value: loanTimeBorrower,
   selectedOptions: loanTimesBorrowerini,
   optionsCaption: 'Choose dates'">

Instead of choose date I want to show the default value as 180, since I have a array which stores this loantime as 180 days, 360 days etc. 我希望将默认值显示为180,而不是选择日期,因为我有一个存储此借贷时间为180天,360天等的数组。

this is the array 这是数组

self.loanTimesBorrower = ko.observableArray();
self.loanTimesBorrowerini = ko.observableArray(self.loanTimesBorrower()[0]);

and I get this array populated by a foreach loop which is getting the loantimes from db like this. 并且我得到了一个由foreach循环填充的数组,该循环正在像这样从db获取借用时间。

$.each(items.investTimes, function (index, item) {

So I am not sure how the default value can be put as 180 instead of choose dates 所以我不确定如何将默认值设置为180而不是选择日期

删除optionsCaption: 'Choose dates'它将默认为您提供的选项。

You can use it like this: 您可以像这样使用它:

<select id="selectDate" class="form-control " data-bind="options: loanTimesBorrower,
   optionsText: loanTimesBorrower(),
   value: loanTimeBorrower,
   selectedOptions: loanTimeBorrower[0],
   optionsAfterRender: $root.setDefaultDate">

And in your javascript you can do something like: 在您的JavaScript中,您可以执行以下操作:

    self.setDefaultDate= function (option, object) {
        if (typeof object !== "undefined" && object !== null) {
            if(object.value === 180) {
                $("#selectDate").find(option).prop('selected', true);

if you show me what the object in your array looks like I can edit the answer for a better fit. 如果您向我展示数组中对象的外观,则可以编辑答案以使其更合适。 But that should help you to find your way 但这应该可以帮助您找到自己的出路

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