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Firebase App邀请无法在发行版本中运行APK

[英]Firebase App Invite not working in release build APK

I am working with Firebase app invite for the first time, its working fine with debug build APK, but its not working in release build APK. 我第一次使用Firebase应用程序邀请,它可以与debug build APK一起正常工作,但不能在release build APK中工作。 Do I need to add something in pro-guard? 我是否需要在保镖中添加一些内容?

compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-invites:10.0.1'

You have to update SHA1 fingerprint from firebase console. 您必须从Firebase控制台更新SHA1指纹。 Instead of using SHA1 of debug.keystore you should use SHA1 fingerprint of your release keystore. 不应使用debug.keystore的SHA1,而应使用发布密钥库的SHA1指纹。

Command line: 命令行:

  1. keytool -exportcert -alias YOUR-KEY-ALIAS -keystore PATH-TO-YOUR-RELEASE-KEYSTORE /keystore.jks -list -v keytool -exportcert -alias 您的密钥别名 -keystore 路径到您的发布密钥库/keystore.jks -list -v

  2. Copy and paste new SHA1 fingerprint to firebase console. 将新的SHA1指纹复制并粘贴到Firebase控制台。

  3. Download a new google-services.json and update it in your project. 下载新的google-services.json并在您的项目中对其进行更新。

For those of you who enabled Google Play App Signing, you'll also have to add the SHA-1 key from the "App Signing Certificate" to your Firebase console and use the updated google-services.json in order for the invite to work on apps launched to the Google Play Store. 对于启用了Google Play应用签名的用户,您还必须将“应用签名证书”中的SHA-1密钥添加到Firebase控制台,并使用更新后的google-services.json才能使邀请生效在启动到Google Play商店的应用上。

Steps to locate the SHA-1 key: 1) Go to your Google Play Console 2) Select the targeting app 3) Go to "App signing" under "Release management" 4) The SHA-1 key can be found under "App Signing Certificate" 找到SHA-1密钥的步骤:1)转到您的Google Play控制台2)选择目标应用程序3)转到“版本管理”下的“应用程序签名” 4)在“应用程序签名”下可以找到SHA-1密钥证书”

It took me many hours to resolve the issue and I hope this can help someone who runs into the same issue. 我花了很多时间解决此问题,希望这对遇到同一问题的人有所帮助。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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