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[英]Swift - Generic that subclasses and conforms to a protocol

I basically have this protocol 我基本上有这个协议

  protocol ReusableView {
     static var reuseIdentifier: String { get }

and this generic class 和这个通用类

  class ListController<Item: Equatable, Cell: UITableViewCell>: UIViewController where Cell: ReusableView {

      private var items: [Item]

      init(items: [Item]) {
         self.items = items
         super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)

When I try to print the reuseIdentifier, I get this compiler error 当我尝试打印reuseIdentifier时,出现此编译器错误

Instance member 'reuseIdentifier' cannot be used on type 'Cell' 实例成员'reuseIdentifier'不能用于'Cell'类型

I should be able to access the property since the Cell Object conforms to the ReusableView protocol. 由于单元对象符合ReusableView协议,因此我应该能够访问该属性。

I don't know what the problem is. 我不知道问题是什么。 Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

Thanks 谢谢

The problem is occurring because Cell must inherit from UITableViewCell which already defines an instance variable reuseIdentifier . 发生此问题是因为Cell必须继承自UITableViewCell ,而UITableViewCell已经定义了实例变量reuseIdentifier Simply changing the name of reuseIdentifier to reusableViewIdentifier or something will cause the error to go away. 只需将reuseIdentifier的名称更改为reusableViewIdentifier或类似的东西,就会导致错误消失。

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