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[英]How do I convert a Go array of strings to a C array of strings?

I am using cgo in a project, and I want to export a function for use. 我在一个项目中使用cgo ,我想导出一个函数供使用。 Here's an example of what I want to achieve: 这是我想要实现的一个例子:

package csplit

import (

//export Split
/* The Split function takes two C strings, the second of which represents
   a substring to split on, and returns an array of strings. Example:
       Split("1,2", ",") // gives ["1", "2"]
func Split(original *C.char, split *C.char) []*C.char {
        goResult := strings.Split(C.GoString(original), C.GoString(split))
        cResult := make([]*C.char, len(goResult))

        for idx, substring := range goResult {
                cResult[idx] = C.CString(substring)

        return cResult

The problem is that the return type is Go allocated data, and not moved into the C heap. 问题是返回类型是Go分配数据,而不是移入C堆。 This panics with: runtime error: cgo result has Go pointer 这有点恐慌: runtime error: cgo result has Go pointer

You're returning a Go slice which is allocated in Go, and is a different structure than a C array. 您将返回在Go中分配的Go切片,并且是与C数组不同的结构。 You need to allocate an array in C: 你需要在C中分配一个数组:

//export Split
func Split(original *C.char, split *C.char) **C.char {
    goResult := strings.Split(C.GoString(original), C.GoString(split))
    cArray := C.malloc(C.size_t(len(goResult)) * C.size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))))

    // convert the C array to a Go Array so we can index it
    a := (*[1<<30 - 1]*C.char)(cArray)

    for idx, substring := range goResult {
        a[idx] = C.CString(substring)

    return (**C.char)(cArray)

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