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创建支持Flash的Android Web视图

[英]Create android web view which supports flash

I have a flash web game, which is developed for desktop browsers and I want to run the same in android. 我有一个Flash网络游戏,该游戏是为桌面浏览器开发的,我想在android中运行相同的游戏。 But android web view won't support flash. 但是android网络视图不支持Flash。 Is there any way to make it run? 有什么办法可以使其运行? Because there are browsers (ie Puffin) which support flash so I'm curious to know how that work. 因为有支持Flash的浏览器(例如Puffin),所以我很好奇它的工作原理。

No. Adobe (the makers of Flash) pulled support for Flash on Android years ago. 不。Adobe(Flash的制造商)几年前取消了对Flash的支持。 You really shouldn't be coding anything new in Flash- the security on Flash is horrible, every major desktop browser is turning Flash off by default. 您真的不应该在Flash中编写任何新代码-Flash的安全性太糟糕了,每个主流的桌面浏览器默认都关闭Flash。 Within the next year or so they'll probably stop supporting it at all. 在明年左右,他们可能会完全停止支持它。 This isn't something Adobe could fix even if they wanted to (and they don't, they no longer make new versions)- its insecure in its design. 即使Adobe愿意(而且他们不愿意,他们不再制作新版本),这也不是Adobe可以解决的-它的设计不安全。

If some particular browser is supporting flash, they wrote the support 100% by themselves. 如果某个特定的浏览器支持Flash,则他们自己编写支持100%。 Expect it to be buggy and even less secure than normal Flash. 期望它有故障,甚至不如普通Flash安全。

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