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AngularJS POST http:// localhost:8080 / test / GetAllLocation 405(不允许使用方法)

[英]AngularJS POST http://localhost:8080/test/GetAllLocation 405 (Method Not Allowed)

I have to get JSON data from the below GET Service 我必须从下面的GET服务获取JSON数据

http://localhost:8080/test/GetAllLocation http:// localhost:8080 / test / GetAllLocation

When I hit above URL into my browser this gives me JSON data. 当我在浏览器中点击上述URL时,这将为我提供JSON数据。 But I am unable to get JSON data into my AngularJS application. 但是我无法将JSON数据导入到我的AngularJS应用程序中。

My controller code is give below 我的控制器代码如下

(function () {
        .controller('VisitorsController', [ 'myService', VisitorsController])
        .factory("myService", ['$http', function($http) {
            return {
                getResponders: function(servicesUrl) {
                    return $http.get(servicesUrl).then(function(response) {
                        return response.data;
                    }).catch(function(response) {
                        return response.data;
            return myService;

    function VisitorsController(myService) {
        var vm = this;
        var servicesUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/test/GetAllLocation';
        myService.getResponders(servicesUrl).then(function(data) {
            if(data==null) {
            } else {
        }).catch(function(response) {
            return response.data;

        vm.visitorsChartData = [ {key: 'UP', y: 5264}, { key: 'Critical', y: 3872},{key: 'Warning', y: 1000} ];
        vm.chartOptions = {
            chart: {
                type: 'pieChart',
                height: 210,
                donut: true,
                x: function (d) { return d.key; },
                y: function (d) { return d.y; },
                valueFormat: (d3.format(".0f")),
                color: ['rgb(0, 150, 136)', '#E75753','#fbbc05'],
                showLabels: false,
                showLegend: false,
                title: 'Over 9K',
                margin: { top: -10 }

When I run this application this will give me below error 当我运行此应用程序时,这将给我以下错误

AngularJS POST http://localhost:8080/test/GetAllLocation 405 (Method Not Allowed)
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:8080/test/GetAllLocation. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.The response had HTTP status code 405.

Your issue is CORS. 您的问题是CORS。 I would do some reading on CORS. 我会读一些有关CORS的文章。 In particular "No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource" leads you to believe the issue is with the header. 特别是“所请求的资源上没有'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'标头”使您相信该标头存在问题。

The issue can also be the server not being properly configured for CORS, however on the angular side try setting options for $HTTP in your app settings, here is an example of mine for Django: 问题还可能是服务器未针对CORS进行正确配置,但是在角度方面,请尝试在您的应用设置中为$ HTTP设置选项,这是我的Django示例:

  function ($httpProvider) {

    $httpProvider.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'csrftoken';
    $httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRFToken';

This changes the header name which has the XSRF token, which already has a default (see the doc ). 这将更改具有XSRF令牌的标头名称,该标头名称已具有默认名称(请参阅doc )。 The actual header name may need to changed, I'm not sure of your server side implementation. 实际的标头名称可能需要更改,我不确定您的服务器端实现。 If you are using Django let me know, I have more data for Django config. 如果您使用的是Django,请告诉我,我有更多关于Django配置的数据。

Here is a similar post 这是一个类似的帖子

You are making API request to http://localhost:8080 but your client is running on different web server/port. 您正在向http://localhost:8080发出API请求,但是您的客户端正在其他Web服务器/端口上运行。 Ideally, instead of allowing CORS , you should have your client running on the same server. 理想情况下,应该允许客户端在同一服务器上运行,而不是允许CORS

Your browser blocks the API requests if the application is making API requests to another server on account of security issues. 如果应用程序由于安全问题正在向另一台服务器发出API请求,则您的浏览器将阻止API请求。 However this can be allowed by setting 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header on your APIs. 但是,可以通过在API上设置'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'标头来'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'

Depending on the type of server running on http://localhost:8080 , you need to set 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header on your APIs. 根据在http://localhost:8080上运行的服务器的类型,您需要在API上设置'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'标头。 You can choose to allow specific domains or all domains( * ) to get programmatic access to your APIs. 您可以选择允许特定域或所有域( * )获得对API的编程访问。

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