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[英]Visual Paradigm Data Flow Diagrams

我正在尝试在Ubuntu 14.04上使用Visual Paradigm Community Edition为系统设计数据流图,但似乎在图列表中找不到数据流图,这是任何线索,因为根据Visual Paradigm网站,应该有一个数据流程图列表中的流程图?

Data Flow Diagram is available in the Modeler (and any higher) Edition of Visual Paradigm. 数据流图在Visual Paradigm的Modeler(及更高版本)中可用。 Since you are using the Community Edition, which is an edition below the Modeler Edition, you cannot create Data Flow Diagram there. 由于您使用的是Community Edition,它是Modeler Edition之下的版本,因此无法在其中创建Data Flow Diagram。

If you meant to evaluate this feature, try with their evaluation version instead. 如果您打算评估此功能,请尝试使用其评估版本。 You can download it from their download page: https://www.visual-paradigm.com/download/ 您可以从他们的下载页面下载它: https : //www.visual-paradigm.com/download/

This is how I do it in version 14.0, Modeller edition. 这就是我在14.0版,Modeller版中的处理方式。 在此处输入图片说明

It is worth mentionning that the Data Flow Diagram is only available in Visual Paradigm from version 14 (as well as many other diagrams). 值得一提的是,数据流图仅在版本14的Visual Paradigm中可用(以及许多其他图)。 You said you had Ubuntu 14.04 but in this case, only Visual Paradigm's version matters. 您说您拥有Ubuntu 14.04,但在这种情况下,仅Visual Paradigm的版本很重要。

As shown as Pétur Ingi Egilsson's answer you can access it from the File menu but also in the standard list shown when doing Diagrams > New . 如PéturIngi Egilsson的答案所示,您可以从“文件”菜单访问它,也可以在执行Diagrams > New时在显示的标准列表中访问它。

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