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JavaFX TableView ScrollBar值说明

[英]JavaFX TableView ScrollBar value explanation

Could anyone explain what vertical scroll bar value means? 谁能解释垂直滚动条值的含义? For example, there is a table with 100 rows. 例如,有一个包含100行的表。 View port can show only 10 rows. 视口只能显示10行。 For example rows 26-35 are shown. 例如,示出了行26-35。 What will be value of scroll bar and how it is calculated? 滚动条的值是多少,如何计算?

Assuming all rows are the same height: 假设所有行的高度相同:

A scroll bar has a min , max , and value . 滚动条具有minmaxvalue If your viewport shows 10 rows and the table has 100 items, then it can be scrolled vertically a total of 90 rows (at one end, showing rows 1-10, and at the other, showing rows 91-100). 如果视口显示10行,并且该表包含100个项目,则可以垂直滚动总共90行(一端显示1-10行,另一端显示91-100行)。 If it shows 26-35 then it has scrolled 25 rows, so you will have 如果显示26-35,则它已滚动25行,因此您将拥有

(value - min) / (max - min) = 25/90

or 要么

value = min + 25*(max - min) / 90

The default min and max are 0 and 1 , respectively, so with those defaults this would be 默认的minmax分别为01 ,因此使用这些默认值将是

value = 25 /90 = 0.277778

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