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如何在 Atom 中仅在保存(而不是按键)时运行 JSCS?

[英]How to run JSCS on save only (not on keypress) in Atom?

I'm using https://github.com/AtomLinter/linter-jscs .我正在使用https://github.com/AtomLinter/linter-jscs The docs say:文档说:

It will lint on edit and/or on save它会在编辑和/或保存时掉毛

It seems that it lints on edit and save all the time.似乎它一直在编辑保存。 I don't see a way to configure it to lint on only save.我没有看到将其配置为仅在保存时进行 lint 的方法。

First of all you really should be looking into moving to ESLint ( linter-eslint ) as all development on JSCS has stopped .首先,您真的应该考虑转向 ESLint ( linter-eslint ),因为 JSCS 上的所有开发 都已停止

As for your question, you can configure this behavior in the Linter package by disabling On-the-fly linting there.至于您的问题,您可以通过在 Linter 包中禁用即时 linting 来配置此行为。 This package is simply a service provider allowing linting of code through JSCS, the Linter package is what controls when it is ran, and how its results are displayed to the user.这个包只是一个允许通过 JSCS 对代码进行 linting 的服务提供者,Linter 包控制着它何时运行,以及它的结果如何显示给用户。

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