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为什么在Petri Net的可达性图中未定义最终标记的数量?

[英]Why the number of Final Markings is undefined in reachability graph of Petri Net?

I've read and heard several times that, reachability graph is a particular type of Transition System, with one initial and UNDEFINED number of final markings. 我已经读过好几次了,可及性图是过渡系统的一种特殊类型,带有一个初始的和不确定的最终标记。

But if you construct the reachability graph, you have very clear cases of final markings. 但是,如果您构建可达性图,则最终标记的情况非常清楚。 Does this mean that you can't know which will be your final marking depending on how you fire the transitions? 这是否意味着您不知道哪个将是最终标记,具体取决于触发转换的方式? Because, it's obvious that you can enumerate/count the number of final markings. 因为,很明显,您可以枚举/计算最终标记的数量。

The number of reachable markings in a given reachability graph is possibly undefined. 给定可达性图中的可达标记数量可能不确定。 It is undefined in the case of a graph which has an infinite number of reachable markings. 对于具有无限数量的可到达标记的图形,它是未定义的。

I think you misinterpreted the meaning of "undefined" in this context. 我认为您在这种情况下误解了“未定义”的含义。 To define a reachability graph, you need to specify the states and transitions (a transition system), and you need to specify the initial state. 要定义可达性图,您需要指定状态和转换(转换系统),并且需要指定初始状态。 Nothing more, the definition is already complete. 仅此而已,定义已经完成。 The set or number of final states follows from this definition, but it isn't part of the definition, hence "undefined". 最终状态的设定或数从这个定义如下 ,但它不是定义的一部分,因此“不确定”。 It would be redundant to include it in the definition. 将其包含在定义中将是多余的。

Compare this with finite automata used as acceptors. 将此与用作接收器的有限自动机进行比较。 There, you must define which states are accepting (=final). 在那里,您必须定义正在接受的状态(=最终)。 Without this information, the definition would be incomplete. 没有这些信息,定义将是不完整的。

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