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[英]Is there any chance to use a component as a global ActivityIndicator on React-Native

Is there any chance to use a component as a global ActivityIndicator which has transparent color and had been created by me on React-Native? 是否有机会将组件用作具有透明颜色并由我在React-Native上创建的全局ActivityIndi​​cator

Details: 细节:

  • I use a redux store to update the UI. 我使用redux存储来更新UI。 So I intend to show an ActivityIndicator by updating the store. 因此,我打算通过更新商店来显示一个ActivityIndi​​cator。
  • I've created an ActivityIndicator component with name ActIndicator . 我创建了一个名为ActIndicatorActivityIndicator组件。
  • I have a main App component that contains the app. 我有一个包含应用程序的主要App组件。
  • I have a Root component that wraps the ActIndicator and App components. 我有一个包装ActIndicatorApp组件的Root组件。

The ultimate code of render method of Root component looks like the following: Root组件的render方法的最终代码如下所示:

render() {

    if (this.state.showActivityIndicator) {
                <App />

    return (</App>)


I've tried several methods but I can not be successful. 我尝试了几种方法,但无法成功。

I guess my brain is stopped. 我想我的大脑停了下来。

I also guess there may be a logic mistake. 我还猜测可能存在逻辑错误。

I don't think you're supposed to pass App as a child, the way I use it is more like this: 我认为您不应该在小时候就通过App,我使用它的方式更像是这样:

render() {

if (this.state.showActivityIndicator) {
        <ActivityIndicator />
        <App />

return (<App />)


but it would probably be better to set it up like this: 但最好像这样进行设置:

render() {
  return (
      <ActivityIndicator animating={this.state.showActivityIndicator} />
      <App />
const withLoadingOverlay = (Component) => class withLoadingOverlayView extends React.Component {   props: withLoadingOverlayProps

    // Indicator view styles   loadingOverlay = (style) => (
        <View style={[style, styles.someDefaultStyles]}>
          <ActivityIndicator color={someColor} size="large" />
        </View>   )

      render() {
        const { pending, ...passProps } = this.props;
        const { width, height } = Dimensions.get('window');
        return (
          <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
            <Component {...passProps} />
            {pending && this.loadingOverlay({ width, height })}
        );   } };

I used to wrap whole container with HOC and with redux action to set on start pending prop true and on success or fail to set on false so this prop will be consumed by HOC and indicator will be displayed only when pending is set on true. 我曾经用HOC和redux操作包装整个容器,以在启动未决道具设置为true时设置成功,否则将其设置为false,因此该道具将被HOC占用,并且仅当未决设置为true时才会显示指示器。

In container you have to wrap component in connect 在容器中,您必须在连接中包装组件

export default connect(
  (state) => ({ 
    pending: state.reducer.pending, // pending prop should be here
  (dispatch) => ({ dispatching redux actions })

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