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[英]Publish ASP.NET Web Site with DevExpress references

I have created a website, not a web application and I used a lot of DevExpress libraries. 我创建了一个网站,而不是一个Web应用程序,并且使用了很多DevExpress库。 Then when I publish the site, required DLLs are not included to bin folder and there is no any " Copy to local " option in ASP.NET WebSite. 然后,当我发布站点时,所需的DLLs不包含在bin文件夹中,并且ASP.NET WebSite中没有任何“ 复制到本地 ”选项。 I tried to convert the site to a WebApplication , but is was unsuccessfully due to complexity of the WebSite. 我试图将站点转换为WebApplication ,但是由于WebSite的复杂性而未能成功。 So how can I publish this site on another server where DevExpress is not installed? 那么,如何在未安装DevExpress的另一台服务器上发布此站点?

Deploying the necessary DX assemblies to the server's GAC or in the project's Bin folder should be sufficient to run the application. 将必要的DX程序集部署到服务器的GAC或项目的Bin文件夹中,应该足以运行该应用程序。 For more details, please refer to the Deployment section of documentation. 有关更多详细信息,请参阅文档的“ 部署”部分。

You can use special tool designed for this purpose.Please refer to the Assembly Deployment Tool help topic to learn more on how to proceed. 您可以使用为此目的而设计的特殊工具。请参考Assembly Deployment Tool帮助主题以了解有关如何进行的更多信息。

I hope this information helps you. 希望这些信息对您有所帮助。

References: 参考文献:
How to include the DevExpress dlls to publish the solution 如何包括DevExpress dll来发布解决方案


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