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[英]Firebase getting wrong snapshot back when asking for child with more children?

I am having trouble grabbing my data from Firebase. 我无法从Firebase获取数据。 I have setup three test data sets, each item is called a "Campaign". 我设置了三个测试数据集,每个项目称为“广告系列”。 For every "Campaign" there can be a user that has completed the campaign which will follow under the campaign id -> users -> userid -> confirmImageUrl and the image that has been completed. 对于每个“广告系列”,可以有一个已完成广告系列的用户,该用户将遵循广告系列ID->用户->用户ID-> ConfirmImageUrl和已完成的图像。 When I try to pull the users child and the child of the users, I am not getting all the data. 当我尝试拉用户子和用户的子时,我没有得到所有数据。 When there are no users, it is pulling it correclty. 如果没有用户,它将使其正确。

In Firebase this is how it is setup: Firebase Data Setup 在Firebase中,它是这样设置的: Firebase Data Setup

In my viewDidLoad , this is how I am pulling the data. 在我的viewDidLoad ,这就是我提取数据的方式。 Each "campaign" goes into a UITableViewCell : 每个“广告系列”都进入UITableViewCell

DataService.ds.DATABASE_BASE_CAMPAIGNS.observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) in
    print("menan check:\(snapshot.value!)")
    if let snapshot = snapshot.children.allObjects as? [FIRDataSnapshot] {
        print("menan check: \(snapshot)")
        self.campaigns = []
        for snap in snapshot {
            if let campaignData = snap.value as? Dictionary <String, AnyObject> {
                let key = snap.key
                let campaign = Campaigns(campaignKey: key, campaignData: campaignData)
                print("menan check: \(campaignData)")

This is the output: The Output from the snapshot received 这是输出: 收到的快照的输出

I have spent quite a long time trying to figure it out? 我花了很长时间试图弄清楚吗? Anyone know whats wrong? 有人知道怎么了吗?

Your data is pretty deep so you will need a couple more Dictionaries to work with the key value pairs. 您的数据非常深,因此您将需要更多词典来使用键值对。

Here's a quick solution to get to the deepest piece of data, the confirm value. 这是获取最深层数据(确认值)​​的快速解决方案。 It could be shortened but I left it verbose so it could be explained line by line. 可以将其缩短,但我将其保留为冗长,因此可以逐行解释。

    campaignRef.observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) in
            for snap in snapshot.children { //iterate over 21hb, 989 huv etc

                //contains all data in 21hb
                let node = snap as! FIRDataSnapshot

                // represent the data in the node as a dictionary
                let nodeDict = node.value as! [String: AnyObject]

                //grab just the users node, whose value is also a dictionary
                let users = nodeDict["users"] as! [String: AnyObject]

                //iterate over each user in the users node
                for user in users {
                    let userId = user.key //this is the user id

                    //the value is a dictionary of key: value
                    // as in   confirm: url
                    let value = user.value as! [String: AnyObject]

                    //get the value for the confirm key, which is the url
                    let confirm = value["confirm"]

                    //print the user it and the confirm url
                    print("key = \(userId)  value = \(confirm!)")

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