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Web API,我发布方法的路由问题

[英]web api, routing issue with my post method

I have an issue with my web api controler routing. 我的Web api控制器路由存在问题。 I've made GET methods that works fine, but now, I try some POST and routing seems to be bad. 我已经使GET方法可以正常工作,但是现在,我尝试了一些POST,并且路由似乎很糟糕。 I've have a front and with Angular2. 我有一个前台,并且在Angular2上有。 Here, you can see the call to webapi : 在这里,您可以看到对webapi的调用:

 retour = this._http.post("http://localhost:5000/api/Particulier/add", _particulier, options)

Here it's my web api method : 这是我的网络api方法:

public class ParticulierController : Controller


    public async Task<bool> Add([FromBody]Particulier particulier)
        var result = await _particulierService.Create(particulier);
        return result;



it's simple, but doesn't work. 很简单,但是不起作用。 Chrome say me that the url doesn't exist. Chrome告诉我该网址不存在。 I have GET methods in the same controller and they works. 我在同一控制器中有GET方法,并且它们可以工作。

can you help me ? 你能帮助我吗 ?

thanks, 谢谢,

The method Add([FromBody]Particulier particulier) may not be matching your request because there are missing non-nullable properties specified for the Particulier parameter. 方法Add([FromBody]Particulier particulier)可能与您的请求不匹配,因为缺少为Particulier参数指定的不可为空的属性。 Or, it could be an issue with deserializing the request. 或者,反序列化请求可能是一个问题。

I recommend trying it with the Content-Type: text/json header if it's not an issue with missing properties. 如果不是缺少属性的问题,我建议您尝试使用Content-Type: text/json标头。

retour = this._http({
        url: 'http://localhost:5000/api/Particulier/add',
        method: "POST",
        data: _particulier,
        headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/json'}
}).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
    // map post result (data var)

Ok, it's resolved. 好,解决了。 The request is not executed until the Angular service is not subsribed. 直到不提供Angular服务,请求才会执行。

thanks to everyone 谢谢大家

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