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Firebase 存储无法通过 Cocoapods 安装

[英]Firebase Storage not able to install via Cocoapods

I'm at a bit of a loss here, since I have been trying to install Firebase Storage for my project without any luck.我在这里有点不知所措,因为我一直在尝试为我的项目安装 Firebase Storage,但没有任何运气。

What happens every time I try to run the pod install, it gives me this message:每次我尝试运行 pod install 时会发生什么,它给我这条消息:

 Analyzing dependencies Downloading dependencies Using Alamofire (4.2.0) Using Bolts (1.8.4) Using FBSDKCoreKit (4.18.0) Using FBSDKLoginKit (4.18.0) Using FBSDKShareKit (4.18.0) Using FacebookCore (0.2.0) Using FacebookLogin (0.2.0) Using FacebookShare (0.2.0) Installing Firebase 3.11.0 (was 3.11.0) [!] Error installing Firebase [!] /usr/bin/tar xfz /var/folders/87/3qtbnngd7xx3m9t30xwpb1vw0000gn/T/d20170110-3205-gwhcri/file.tgz -C /var/folders/87/3qtbnngd7xx3m9t30xwpb1vw0000gn/T/d20170110-3205-gwhcri tar: Error opening archive: Failed to open '/var/folders/87/3qtbnngd7xx3m9t30xwpb1vw0000gn/T/d20170110-3205-gwhcri/file.tgz'

I have tried almost every thing I can think of, like reinstalling Cocoa Pods, trying to create new projects and pod files.我尝试了几乎所有我能想到的事情,比如重新安装 Cocoa Pods,尝试创建新项目和 pod 文件。 The file Cocoa Pods is trying to open is no where to be found?找不到 Cocoa Pods 试图打开的文件?

The weird thing is that installing all other kinds of pods works fine, like Facebook SDK and even other Firebase pods.奇怪的是,安装所有其他类型的 pod 都可以正常工作,例如 Facebook SDK 甚至其他 Firebase pod。

Does anyone have an idea on how to get this installed?有没有人知道如何安装它? Thanks!谢谢!

For anyone still having this issue, I narrowed it down to curl being outdated from my Anaconda installation.对于仍然有此问题的任何人,我将范围缩小到 curl 已从我的 Anaconda 安装中过时。 I just ran conda install curl and updated it.我刚刚运行conda install curl并更新了它。 Now it works like a charm again...现在它再次像魅力一样工作......

The issue appears to be with the tar utility on your computer, or the default CocoaPods behavior when installing a tar ball.问题似乎与您计算机上的tar实用程序有关,或者与安装 tar 球时的默认 CocoaPods 行为有关。

Alamofire and the Facebook SDK are both git repos, while we ship Firebase as a tar ball. Alamofire和 Facebook SDK 都是git repos,而我们将 Firebase 作为 tar ball 发送。 I assume any other "closed source" pod that ships this way will similarly break on your computer/CocoaPods installation.我假设以这种方式提供的任何其他“封闭源”pod 都会在您的计算机/CocoaPods 安装上同样中断。

Since this appears to only be your computer (I can't repro, for instance), I would try a different version of CocoaPods (possibly an older one, if you're on the newest), or ensure that you can create and then untar a .tgz file.由于这似乎只是您的计算机(例如,我无法复制),我会尝试不同版本的 CocoaPods(可能是较旧的,如果您使用的是最新版本),或者确保您可以创建然后解压.tgz文件。

Also relevant because tar is hard: xkcd.com/1168也很重要,因为tar很难: xkcd.com/1168

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