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Excel VBA-检查活动工作表是否是第一个工作表

[英]Excel VBA - check if active worksheet is first worksheet

I need to check if the active worksheet is the first worksheet in the workbook. 我需要检查活动工作表是否是工作簿中的第一个工作表。 This code isn't working at all, but I'm hoping I was on the right track. 这段代码根本不起作用,但是我希望自己走在正确的轨道上。

Sub CheckFirstSheet()
If Sheets(1) = ActiveSheet Then MsgBox "This is the first worksheet."
If Sheets(1) <> ActiveSheet Then MsgBox "This is not the first worksheet."
End Sub

This is simple 这很简单

Sub test()
If ActiveSheet.Index = 1 Then MsgBox "This is the first worksheet."
If ActiveSheet.Index <> 1 Then MsgBox "This is not the first worksheet."
End Sub

You can't compare reference types with = and <> - you have to use Is : 您不能将引用类型与=<>进行比较-您必须使用Is

Sub CheckFirstSheet()
    If Sheets(1) Is ActiveSheet Then
        MsgBox "This is the first worksheet."
        MsgBox "This is not the first worksheet."
    End If
End Sub

Here you go: 干得好:

Sub CheckFirstSheet()

If ActiveSheet.Index = 1 Then
    MsgBox "This is the first worksheet."
    MsgBox "This is not the first worksheet."
End If

End Sub

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