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[英]Check if excel workbook is open?

So... I used this piece of code for reference: 所以...我使用了这段代码作为参考:

Option Explicit

Sub Sample()
Dim Ret

Ret = IsWorkBookOpen("C:\myWork.xlsx")

If Ret = True Then
    MsgBox "File is open"
    MsgBox "File is Closed"
End If
End Sub

Function IsWorkBookOpen(FileName As String)
Dim ff As Long, ErrNo As Long

On Error Resume Next
ff = FreeFile()
Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #ff
Close ff
ErrNo = Err
On Error GoTo 0

Select Case ErrNo
Case 0:    IsWorkBookOpen = False
Case 70:   IsWorkBookOpen = True
Case Else: Error ErrNo
End Select
End Function

I used my workbook and everything, but it returns Syntax error on line 15: ff = FreeFile_(). 我使用了工作簿和所有内容,但在第15行返回了语法错误:ff = FreeFile_()。

Why is this the case? 为什么会这样呢? What syntax error is there? 有什么语法错误? I am trying to check if workbook is opened by some other user, because if that's the case, I can't save the values in the Workbook. 我正在尝试检查是否由其他用户打开了工作簿,因为这样的话,我无法将值保存在工作簿中。

Thanks for answers, D. 感谢您的回答,D。

I think you done copy/paste the code into VBA editor. 我认为您已将代码复制/粘贴到VBA编辑器中。 So clean the code, delete all blancks that are not needed, verify where each line is finished. 因此,清理代码,删除不需要的所有空白,验证每行的结束位置。

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