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[英]Java method not found running on oracle database

I have can not deal with execute my java method on oracle server. 我无法处理在oracle服务器上执行我的java方法。 I load my java class on database using loadjava and create function using this query: 我使用loadjava将Java类加载到数据库中,并使用以下查询创建函数:

create or replace function getPeriodIdDay (multiplicity number, stardDate date, endDate date) return number
as language java
name 'Period.getPeriodIdDay(int, oracle.sql.Date, oracle.sql.Date) return int';

My method in class is: 我在课堂上的方法是:

  public static int getPeriodIdDay(int multiplicity, DATE startDate, DATE date){
       // day period calculation
       int dayPeriodId =  (date.dateValue().getTime() - startDate.dateValue().getTime()) / MILLIS_IN_DAY;
       return dayPeriodId / multiplicity;

Each time when try to execute this function I have get this error: 每次尝试执行此功能时,都会出现此错误:

29531. 00000 -  "no method %s in class %s"
*Cause:    An attempt was made to execute a non-existent method in a
           Java class.
*Action:   Adjust the call or create the specified method.

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

The signature of the java method in your function declaration is: 函数声明中java方法的签名为:

Period.getPeriodIdDay(int, oracle.sql.Date, oracle.sql.Date) return int

but the signatur of the metho in the java class itself is: 但是java类本身的方法的特征是:

int getPeriodIdDay(int multiplicity, DATE startDate, DATE date)

If the capitalisation of DATE is no mistake when copying it here then this is a different type. 如果在此处复制DATE的大写字母没有错,那么这是另一种类型。

And even if it is a copy mistake: check with the imports of the java class that the same Date class is used. 即使是复制错误,也请执行以下操作:检查java类的导入是否使用了相同的Date类。

the problem seems to be the DATE class, I suggest you to use String instead 问题似乎是DATE类,建议您改用String

You better change your method class like this: 您最好像这样更改方法类:

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

public class TestDate {
    public static int getDate(int multiplicity, String startDate,
            String endDate) {
        SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat();
        sf.applyPattern("yyyymmdd");//You Have to specify format here
        Date sd;
        try {
            sd = sf.parse(startDate);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return -1;
        Date ed;
        try {
            ed = sf.parse(endDate);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return -2;
        long dayPeriodId = (ed.getTime() - sd.getTime()) / 24 * 60 * 60;//this is replaced with your code
        return (int) (dayPeriodId / multiplicity);

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