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[英]Convert icon file to XAML

I have several windows icons that I would like to use in an existing WPF application. 我有几个要在现有WPF应用程序中使用的Windows图标。

The application uses XAML DrawingImages that are in a ResourceDictionary. 该应用程序使用ResourceDictionary中的XAML DrawingImages。

Is there a way to convert my windows icon files to a XAML DrawingImage? 有没有一种方法可以将Windows图标文件转换为XAML DrawingImage?

You could directly create a BitmapImage from an icon file, like 您可以直接从图标文件创建BitmapImage ,例如

    <BitmapImage x:Key="Icon1" UriSource="Icons/Icon1.ico" />

and eg use that as the Source of an Image control 例如使用它作为图像控件的Source

<Image Source="{StaticResource Icon1}" />

or as well for a DrawingImage, like 或对DrawingImage也一样

        <ImageDrawing ImageSource="{StaticResource Icon1}"/>

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