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[英]Django get all related objects from model with 'through' relationship tables

In our app we have several relationships and several models, I'm trying to achieve a generic way to get all related objects of an object, even reverse ones. 在我们的应用程序中,我们有几种关系和几种模型,我试图实现一种通用的方式来获取对象的所有相关对象,甚至是反向对象。

If I print ._meta.get_fields() from my model Pessoa , i get these relationship fields(I omitted the 'normal' ones): 如果我从模型Pessoa打印._meta.get_fields()._meta.get_fields()得到以下关系字段(我省略了“正常”字段):

<ManyToManyRel: cadastroimoveis.pessoa>
<ManyToOneRel: cadastroimoveis.pessoa_pessoa>
<ManyToOneRel: cadastroimoveis.pessoa_pessoa>
<ManyToOneRel: cadastroimoveis.pessoa_itr>
<ManyToManyRel: cadastroimoveis.doc>
<ManyToOneRel: cadastroimoveis.doc_pessoa>

This specific model only has M2M relationships, and all of them contain a 'through' model as specified Here . 这个特定的模型仅具有M2M关系,并且所有关系都包含此处指定的“直通”模型。

As you can see, it repeats them, one for the model, and one for the 'through' intermediate table(also a model I guess). 如您所见,它重复了它们,一个重复用于模型,另一个重复用于“通过”中间表(我猜也是一个模型)。 And in the case of the recursive relationship it repeats twice. 在递归关系的情况下,它会重复两次。

My question is, is there a way to get these non repeated? 我的问题是,有没有办法让这些不再重复?

A way to know which repeated fields 'point' to the same relationship in the end(even though it spams two tables)? 一种知道哪个重复字段最终“指向”相同关系的方法(即使它向两个表发送了垃圾邮件)? Because if the through table has fields, I want to display them in a different manner. 因为如果穿透表中有字段,我想以其他方式显示它们。

And according to the Model _meta API documentation, you would use this to get all related objects : 根据Model _meta API文档,您将使用它来获取所有相关对象:

    f for f in MyModel._meta.get_fields()
    if (f.one_to_many or f.one_to_one)
    and f.auto_created and not f.concrete

But the 'through' tables are not considered auto_created and are concrete. 但是,“通过”表不被认为是自动创建的,而是具体的。

Example : 范例:

<ManyToManyRel: cadastroimoveis.ccir>
<ManyToOneRel: cadastroimoveis.ccir_pessoa>

These two fields 'point' the same relationship, one is the intermediate table and the other is the model, is there a (automatic) way to know that these two are correlated? 这两个字段“指向”相同的关系,一个是中间表,另一个是模型,是否有(自动)方式知道这两个是相关的? I couldn't find any attribute that they share. 我找不到他们共享的任何属性。

The reason for this is because when the through table has fields, I need to edit on it instead of the M2M field on the model itself 这样做的原因是因为当穿透表具有字段时,我需要对其进行编辑,而不是模型本身的M2M字段

Models.py : http://pastebin.com/szDfhHQ3 I cleaned the best I could Models.py: http://pastebin.com/szDfhHQ3我打扫尽我所能

For Django 1.10, the following code has been inspired by the BaseModelForm code (Django original). 对于Django 1.10,以下代码受BaseModelForm代码(Django原始)的启发。

If you have the following relations: 如果您具有以下关系:

class Group(Model):
    field = ....

class Person(Model):
    groups = ManyToManyField(Group, through='Membership')

class Membership(Model):
    person = ForeignKey(Person)
    group = ForeignKey(Group)
    position = TextField(...)

Then the related fields and attributes can be queried like this: 然后可以像这样查询相关的字段和属性:

opts = Person._meta
for f in chain(opts.many_to_many, opts.virtual_fields):
    if f.rel.through:
        # this would return "group"
        attr_field = f.m2m_reverse_field_name()

        # this is the Membership class (a class instance)
        m2m_model = f.rel.through

        # this would return "person"
        join_field = field.m2m_field_name()

        # to get all "Membership" objects for "person" personXY
        qs_filter = {join_field: personXY}
        qs = m2m_model.objects.filter(**qs_filter)

        # get the PKs of all groups where personXY is a member of
        lookup_by_pk = '{}__pk'.format(attr_field)
        current_pks = qs.values_list(lookup_by_pk, flat=True) if qs.exists() else []

For instance we have this set of models. 例如,我们有这套模型。 I've picked it up from this django example . 我是从这个django示例中挑选出来的。

class Person(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)

class Group(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=128)
    members = models.ManyToManyField(
        through_fields=('group', 'person'),

class Membership(models.Model):
    group = models.ForeignKey(Group, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    person = models.ForeignKey(Person, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    inviter = models.ForeignKey(
    invite_reason = models.CharField(max_length=64)

The solution looks a bit ugly, but can be optimized depending on your needs. 该解决方案看起来有些难看,但是可以根据您的需求进行优化。

def get_through_field(f):                                                                                              
    opts = f.through._meta                                                                                             
    if f.through_fields:
        return opts.get_field(f.through_fields[1])                                                                     
    for field in opts.fields:                                                                                          
        rel = getattr(field, 'remote_field', None)                                                                     
        if rel and rel.model == f.model:                                                                               
            return field

model = models.Person

rels = dict(
    (f.field, f) for f in model._meta.get_fields()
    if f.is_relation

excludes = set()
for f in model._meta.get_fields():
    if f.many_to_many:
        through = get_through_field(f)

for f in model._meta.get_fields():
    if f not in excludes:
        print f.name, f

Output : 输出

group <ManyToManyRel: m.group>
membership_invites <ManyToOneRel: m.membership>
id m.Person.id
name m.Person.name

As you can see, there is no membership field. 如您所见,没有membership字段。

The other answers definitely helped me figure this out, specifically in my case all my relationships are M2M and have a through table, also everything is done in AJAX/Javascript so I made the answer very JSON-y. 其他答案无疑帮助我弄清楚了这一点,特别是在我的情况下,我所有的关系都是M2M并有一个通过表,而且所有操作都是在AJAX / Javascript中完成的,因此我将答案非常JSON-y。

For now it only gets all through tables of the m2m models, because you have to create objects in them to create the relationship, but it can easily be expanded into getting all other relationships 目前,它仅遍历m2m模型的所有表,因为您必须在其中创建对象才能创建关系,但是可以轻松地将其扩展为获取所有其他关系

def get_relationships(model):
    fields = list(model._meta.get_fields())

    m2m_fields = {}
    #Getting m2m relationships first
    for i, field in enumerate(fields):
        if field.is_relation:
            if field.many_to_many:
                    #If its a forward field, we want the relationship instead
                    if not hasattr(field,'field'):
                        field = field.remote_field
                except AttributeError:
                if hasattr(field,'through'):
                    through = field.through
                    #In case of recursive relationships, there will be duplicates so we don't need to do it again
                    if m2m_fields.get(through._meta.model.__name__):
                    m2m_fields[through._meta.model.__name__] = {}
                    m2m = m2m_fields[through._meta.model.__name__]
                    #Finding the models which participate in the through table and the direction
                    m2m['owner'] = {'model' : field.model.__name__}
                    m2m['related'] = {'model' : field.related_model.__name__}
                    recursive = False
                    #Checking recursivity, will use this later
                    #Finding field names for the foreignkeys of the through table
                    for through_field in through._meta.get_fields():
                        if not (through_field.related_model is None):
                            if m2m['owner']['model'] == through_field.related_model.__name__ and not m2m['owner'].get('field'):
                                m2m['owner']['field'] = through_field.name
                            elif m2m['related']['model'] == through_field.related_model.__name__ and not m2m['related'].get('field'):
                                m2m['related']['field'] = through_field.name
                        elif not through_field.primary_key:
                            if not m2m.get('rel_fields'):
                                m2m['rel_fields'] = []
    #Now removing the through tables from the fields list, because they appear as a regular ManyToOne relationship otherwise
    for through_table in m2m_fields.keys():
        name = through_table
        for i, field in enumerate(fields):
            if field.many_to_one:
                if field.__name__ and field.related_model:
                    if field.related_model.__name__ == name:
    #Todo : OneToOne and ManyToOne relationships

    return m2m_fields

for key,value in get_relationships(Pessoa).items():
    print(key, " = ", value)

It is one hell of an ugly code, but I'm not very good at Python and just trying to learn things, but I guarantee it worked like a charm for my question 这是一个丑陋的代码的地狱,但我不太擅长Python,只是想学习一些东西,但我保证它对我的问题像个魅力

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