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[英]Is it possible to add my own custom words to the Wit.ai speech-to-text recognizer?

I'm using wit.ai as a (probably) temporary solution for a speech-to-text service in my own personal assistant. 我正在使用wit.ai作为我自己的私人助理中语音到文本服务的(可能)临时解决方案。 I then pass along this transcribed text elsewhere for further analysis. 然后,我将此转录的文本传递到其他地方进行进一步分析。 Eventually I'll probably move away to something a little more hefty (Watson, PocketSphinx, etc.), but wit.ai seems a good first step because it's free and easy. 最终,我可能会选择一些笨重的东西(Watson,PocketSphinx等),但是wit.ai似乎是一个不错的第一步,因为它既免费又容易。

However, I'd like to add my own custom words to wit.ai. 但是,我想在wit.ai中添加自己的自定义单词。 Specifically names of bands that aren't real English for my music player. 特别是对于我的音乐播放器来说不是真正英语的乐队的名称。

Ideally I'd be able to upload a large file or hit an api many times with example phrases that it could expect. 理想情况下,我可以使用可能期望的示例短语多次上传大文件或访问api。

Something like: 就像是:

Play Black Dog by Led Zeppelin
Play Come Down by Anderson Paak
Play Hippie Babysitter by Papadosio

Words like Paak and Papadosio aren't in the dictionary but can be sounded out just like any word. PaakPapadosio这样的单词不在词典中,但可以像任何单词一样发音。 I know CMUSphinx/PocketSphinx can do this just fine. 我知道CMUSphinx / PocketSphinx可以做到这一点。 Does anyone know of a way that Wit.ai can do this? 有人知道Wit.ai可以做到这一点的方法吗?

I don't think it's possible to add your own audio data in wit.ai (not sure about this but I'd bet you can't, being a closed-source propietary system). 我认为不可能在wit.ai中添加您自己的音频数据(对此不确定(但是我敢打赌,作为一个封闭式专有系统,我敢打赌))。 EDIT: You may correct your audio transcriptions in the Inbox > Audio section of their online interface, that might be enough for your needs. 编辑:您可以在其在线界面的“收件箱”>“音频”部分中更正音频转录,这可能足以满足您的需求。

You also mentioned CMU Sphinx ; 您还提到了CMU Sphinx they accept audio contributions in order to improve the available languages, through VoxForge . 他们通过VoxForge接受音频贡献以改进可用的语言。

Another option would be the Google Speech Recognition API , which has a really extensive audio corpus, providing really great results. 另一个选择是Google Speech Recognition API ,它具有非常广泛的音频语料库,可以提供非常好的结果。 You may want to try it out (you can test it online in the link) with your custom band names and see if it fits your needs. 您可能想要使用自定义乐队的名称尝试一下(可以在链接中在线进行测试),然后查看它是否符合您的需求。

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