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Jackson 序列化如何不显示类和字段名称

[英]Jackson serialization how to not show class and fields names

Is there a way using Jackson , in a serialization process , to not print 1.the class name (the constructor name) 2.the field name (meaning to print only the field value)有没有办法在序列化过程中使用 Jackson 来打印 1. 类名(构造函数名称) 2. 字段名(意味着只打印字段值)

    public class Test

    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Test.class);

     * @param args
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws JsonMappingException
     * @throws JsonGenerationException
    public void work(final ObjectMapper mapper) throws JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException
        RestrictedAndVat restrictedAndVat = new RestrictedAndVat();
        final CountryRestrictedAndVat countryRestrictedAndVat1 = new CountryRestrictedAndVat();

        final ProductCountryRestrictedAndVat productCountryRestrictedAndVat = new ProductCountryRestrictedAndVat();
        final List<CountryRestrictedAndVat> list = new ArrayList<CountryRestrictedAndVat>();

        LOG.info("Json:" + serialiseJson(productCountryRestrictedAndVat, mapper));


    private <DATA> String serialiseJson(final DATA pojoData, final ObjectMapper mapper)
            throws JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException

        final StringWriter jsonWriter = new StringWriter();
        mapper.writeValue(jsonWriter, pojoData);
        return jsonWriter.toString().trim();


public class ProductCountryRestrictedAndVat

    @JsonProperty(value = "crv", required = false)
    private List<CountryRestrictedAndVat> countryRestrictedAndVat;

     * @return the countryRestrictedAndVat
    public List<CountryRestrictedAndVat> getCountryRestrictedAndVat()
        return countryRestrictedAndVat;

     * @param countryRestrictedAndVat
     *           the countryRestrictedAndVat to set
    public void setCountryRestrictedAndVat(final List<CountryRestrictedAndVat> countryRestrictedAndVat)
        this.countryRestrictedAndVat = countryRestrictedAndVat;


    public class RestrictedAndVat

        private BigDecimal rate;

        private boolean restricted;

         * @return the rate
        public BigDecimal getRate()
            return rate;

         * @param rate
         *           the rate to set
        public void setRate(final BigDecimal rate)
            this.rate = rate;

         * @return the restricted
        public boolean isRestricted()
            return restricted;

         * @param restricted
         *           the restricted to set
        public void setRestricted(final boolean restricted)
            this.restricted = restricted;


    public class CountryRestrictedAndVat

        private String countryCode;

        @JsonProperty(value = "rv", required = false)
        private RestrictedAndVat restrictedAndVat;

         * @return the countryCode
        public String getCountryCode()
            return countryCode;

         * @param countryCode
         *           the countryCode to set
        public void setCountryCode(final String countryCode)
            this.countryCode = countryCode;

         * @return the restrictedAndVat
        public RestrictedAndVat getRestrictedAndVat()
            return restrictedAndVat;

         * @param restrictedAndVat
         *           the restrictedAndVat to set
        public void setRestrictedAndVat(final RestrictedAndVat restrictedAndVat)
            this.restrictedAndVat = restrictedAndVat;


the output is : Json:{"crv":[{"country":"UK","rv":{"vat":20,"restricted":true}}]}输出是: Json:{"crv":[{"country":"UK","rv":{"vat":20,"restricted":true}}]}

I want it to be : Json:[{"UK":{"vat":20,"restricted":true}}]我希望它是: Json:[{"UK":{"vat":20,"restricted":true}}]

Yes, it's possible, using a custom serializer.是的,使用自定义序列化程序是可能的。

Annotate your CountryRestrictedAndVat class with注释CountryRestrictedAndVat

@JsonSerialize(using = CountryRestrictedAndVatSerializer.class)

Remove the @JsonProperty annotations.删除@JsonProperty注释。

And write the serializer:并编写序列化程序:

public class CountryRestrictedAndVatSerializer extends JsonSerializer<CountryRestrictedAndVat> {
    public void serialize(CountryRestrictedAndVat value,
                          JsonGenerator gen,
                          SerializerProvider serializers) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
        gen.writeObjectField(value.getCountryCode(), value.getRestrictedAndVat());

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