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[英]Access activated route data from some other component

We have component ( ka-cockpit-panel) which is not mapped to any route and inserted manually in the some other component as shown below : 我们有组件(ka-cockpit-panel)没有映射到任何路由并手动插入其他组件,如下所示:

<section class="ka-cockpit-panel cockpit-1 pull-left">

In this component i want to access the current active route data . 在此组件中,我想访问当前活动路由数据

For eg : if we have some other component ( say ka-integration-component ) and it has some route data associated with it ( as shown below ), whenever we navigate to this component ( via url or by clicking some routerlink ) , we want to access integration component route data in our ka-cockpit-component. 例如:如果我们有一些其他组件(比如ka-integration-component )并且它有一些与之关联的路由数据(如下所示),每当我们导航到这个组件时(通过url或点击一些routerlink),我们想要访问我们的ka-cockpit组件中的集成组件路径数据。

        path: "",       
        component: IntegrationComponent,
        data : {
            cockpit1 : false,
            cockpit2 : true,
            kpi : true

Basically, we want to configure our ka-cockpit-component for certain components in our app which is mapped to some route so that we can hide / show or change its appearance. 基本上,我们想要为我们应用中的某些组件配置我们的ka-cockpit组件,这些组件映射到某个路由,以便我们可以隐藏/显示或更改其外观。

Cockpit component code : 驾驶舱组件代码:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Router,Event,NavigationEnd,ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

    selector: 'ka-cockpit-panel',
    templateUrl: './cockpit-panel.component.html',
    styleUrls : ['./cockpit-panel.component.scss']
export class CockpitPanelComponent implements OnInit {

    constructor(private router:Router,private activatedRoute : ActivatedRoute) {
         this.router.events.subscribe( (event:Event) => {
            if(event instanceof NavigationEnd) {
                console.log("Cockpit Panel Component : Route successfully changed -  ",event,this.router,this.activatedRoute);

                  // THIS IS WHAT WE WANT - get  Integration component route data here whenever i navigate to integration component!!!


    ngOnInit() { }

You have to use Resolve Guard for the thing you want to implement. 您必须使用Resolve Guard来实现您想要实现的功能。

// MyDataResolver Service // MyDataResolver服务

import { Injectable }             from '@angular/core';
import { Router, Resolve, RouterStateSnapshot,
         ActivatedRouteSnapshot } from '@angular/router';

export class MyDataResolver implements Resolve<any> {
  constructor(private cs: CrisisService, private router: Router) {}
  resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Promise<any> {

    let pathFromRoot = route.pathFromRoot;

    // you can compare pathFromRoot with your route to return different data

    return Promise.resolve({
        cockpit1 : false,
        cockpit2 : true,
        kpi : true


// Routing configuration //路由配置

    path: "",       
    component: IntegrationComponent,
    resolve : {
        data: MyDataResolver

// Component // 零件

export class CockpitPanelComponent implements OnInit {
  someBinding : string = "testing Value";

  constructor(private router:Router,private activatedRoute : ActivatedRoute) {

    this.activatedRoute.data.subscribe( (res) => {

      // here you will get your data from resolve guard.


  ngOnInit() { }

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