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glfwInit 需要很长时间才能初始化

[英]glfwInit taking a long time to initialize

It used to work fine last week but now that I'm trying to open the project again, it stays stuck on glfwInit() for a good 30 second every time.上周它曾经运行良好,但现在我试图再次打开该项目,它每次都停留在glfwInit() 30 秒。 I've tried it using both a project on VS2015 and the new 2017 one to see if it fixed it.我已经尝试使用 VS2015 上的一个项目和新的 2017 项目来查看它是否修复了它。

There's nothing before glfwInit(); glfwInit();之前什么都没有glfwInit(); and when I put a breakpoint right after, it takes 30 seconds to break.当我在后面放置断点时,需要 30 秒才能中断。

I can't seem to find anything on this, is there any known solution?我似乎无法找到任何关于此的信息,是否有任何已知的解决方案?


I was having this same problem, and it immediately went away once I rebooted my PC.我遇到了同样的问题,一旦我重新启动我的电脑,它立即消失了。

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