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[英]Can I get actual grunt process from Start-Process, not CMD process?

I'm using 我正在使用

Start-Process grunt -ArgumentList 'serve' -PassThru

and add it to an ArrayList . 并将其添加到ArrayList When I view said ArrayList it shows cmd process, not actual node.js process that was launched. 当我查看ArrayList它显示的是cmd进程,而不是启动的实际node.js进程。 If I try to Stop-Process it, quite obviously, kills cmd process, not the running grunt . 如果我尝试Stop-Process ,很显然,它会杀死cmd进程,而不是正在运行的grunt I can locate running grunt with Get-Process node . 我可以通过Get-Process node找到运行的grunt

The problem is I need multiple grunts running at the same time and I want a way to distinguish between them somehow. 问题是我需要同时运行多个咕unt声,并且我想要一种以某种方式区分它们的方法。 Is there any way I can get actual node process into PowerShell upon initializing it? 有什么方法可以在初始化时将实际的node进程添加到PowerShell中?

This happens because grunt is launched via grunt.cmd which is run by CMD . 发生这种情况是因为grunt是通过CMD运行的grunt.cmd启动的。 This file launches grunt in node . 该文件在node启动grunt

Here is an example of how to find notepad2.exe launched from a CMD similarly to your example: 这是一个如何查找从CMD启动的notepad2.exe的示例,与您的示例类似:

# start a CMD which starts notepad2 and then waits on it
$process = Start-Process -PassThru 'cmd.exe'  '/c "C:\Program Files\Notepad2\Notepad2.exe"'

# Wait for notepad2 to be launched
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2

# find the children of CMD, and kill the one which is notepad2
(Get-CimInstance win32_process -Filter "ParentProcessId='$($process.Id)' AND Name = 'Notepad2.exe'")  | %{ Stop-Process  -Id $_.ProcessId}

Translating this for grunt: 翻译为咕unt咕::

# start Grunt via grunt.cmd
$process = Start-Process grunt -ArgumentList 'serve' -PassThru

# Wait for node to be launched
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2

# find the children of CMD, and kill the one which is node
(Get-CimInstance win32_process -Filter "ParentProcessId='$($process.Id)' AND Name = 'node.exe'")  | %{ Stop-Process  -Id $_.ProcessId}

grunt isn't a Win32 executable, it's a javascript file that's run by node.exe . grunt不是Win32可执行文件,而是由node.exe运行的一个javascript文件。 The easiest way to get the instance of node that's running grunt would be to start it yourself: 获取正在运行grunt的节点实例的最简单方法是自己启动它:

$ps = start-process -passthru  node -argumentlist "$env:APPDATA\npm\node_modules\grunt\bin\grunt" 

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