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[英]React - Map Over Array Of Components To Return

Im trying to dynamically print a lot of components into a li list. 我试图将许多组件动态打印到一个li列表中。

In the parent component, the list menuLinks is an array. 在父组件中,列表menuLinks是一个数组。 Each child of menuLinks is a component (LinkToChangePassword is a react functional component): menuLinks每个子menuLinks都是一个组件(LinkToChangePassword是一个react功能组件):

export default class Header extends Component{
    super( props );

    const menuLinks = [
      <div className="header">
        <LinkToHome classAttr=""/>
        <h1 className="">{ this.props.heading }</h1>
        <DropDownMenu links = { menuLinks }/>

In my child component, I'd like to attach these components: 在我的子组件中,我想附加以下组件:

export default class DropDownMenu extends Component{
  constructor( props ){
    super( props );

    let renderMenuItems = this.props.links.map(
      ( item, i ) => <li className = "menuItem"
                         key = {`li${i}`}>
    return <ul className = "profileMenu">
            { renderMenuItems }

However, this doesnt work & I get empty list. 但是,这不起作用&我得到空列表。

Your trying to reference a react component by name only in JSX without surrounding it with angled brackets: 您试图仅在JSX中按名称引用react组件, 而没有用尖括号将其包围:

ComponentNameHere instead of: <ComponentNameHere> ComponentNameHere而不是: <ComponentNameHere>

One solution: 一种解决方案:

You'll need to ensure you are importing you components into you DropDownMenu class. 您需要确保将组件导入到DropDownMenu类中。

You can then replace {item} statement within your .map call to use React.createElement() 然后,您可以在.map调用中替换{item}语句以使用React.createElement()

{React.createElement(item, null)}

Amended render function: 修改了渲染功能:

  let renderMenuItems = this.props.links.map( ( item, i ) => 
    <li className = "menuItem" key = {`li${i}`}>
      {React.createElement(item, null)}
  return <ul className = "profileMenu"> { renderMenuItems } </ul>;

Try this once. 尝试一次。 Maybe this can help. 也许可以帮上忙。

 const menuLinks = [
  <LinkToChangePassword />,
  <LinkToResetPassword />,
  <LinkToChangeEmail />,
  <LinkToLogOut />

Here is a fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/jwm6k66c/1785/ 这是一个小提琴https://jsfiddle.net/jwm6k66c/1785/

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