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[英]How to tell PhpStorm to ignore file separators when comparing files?

I searched far and wide and I'm not even sure it is possible, but please let me know if you know anything that might be useful. 我进行了广泛搜索,甚至不确定是否可以,但是如果您知道任何有用的信息,请告诉我。

I use PhpStorm 9.0 to edit my .php files. 我使用PhpStorm 9.0编辑.php文件。 I sometimes use multiple servers and multiple local computers to work on one project, which calls for a lot of synchronizing of files. 有时我会使用多个服务器和多个本地计算机来处理一个项目,这需要大量文件同步。

PhpStorm's built-in synchronization function works pretty well, however I repeatedly face the problem with line separators. PhpStorm的内置同步功能运行良好,但是我反复遇到行分隔符的问题

For example out of 50 files there are 3 which are changed, but since the server changes line separators on it's own, PhpStorm treats all those files as changed, which means I can't review just the 3 files, I have to browse through all 50 to check which are changed. 例如,在50个文件中,有3个已更改,但是由于服务器自行更改了行分隔符,因此PhpStorm将所有这些文件都视为已更改,这意味着我不能仅查看这3个文件,因此必须浏览所有50检查哪些已更改。

Anybody here has been successful with changing this behavior to ignore line separators? 这里有人成功更改此行为以忽略行分隔符吗?

Well .. technically line endings are kind of ignored (when comparing content by lines) .. but files with the difference in line endings only are still listed as being different in the actual file list: 好吧..从技术上讲,行尾是一种忽略(当按行比较内容时)..但是,只有行尾不同的文件仍被列为在实际文件列表中是不同的:

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