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Python Pandas使用时间索引值移动数据框

[英]Python pandas shift dataframe with time index value

I am quite new with python and am struggling with the shift in pandas. 我对python很陌生,并且正在努力应对熊猫的shift

I am comparing data, but it needs to be aligned to compare it. 我正在比较数据,但需要对其进行调整以进行比较。 To align the data, I only need to shift one of the data's index values. 为了对齐数据,我只需要移动数据的索引值之一。

Reference data:                        Data to be shifted:
                          acc                                   acc
index                                  index            
1480681219**96**0000000     1          1480681220**04**0000000    8
1480681220**00**0000000     2          1480681220**08**0000000    9    
1480681220**04**0000000     3          1480681220**12**0000000    7
1480681220**08**0000000     4          1480681220**16**0000000   10
1480681220**12**0000000     5          1480681220**20**0000000    6

(The bold editing option did not seem to work, but I wanted to highlight those parts of the indexes) (粗体编辑选项似乎无效,但是我想突出显示索引的那些部分)

I would like to shift my data frame with amount of extra time given. 我想在给定额外时间的情况下转移数据框。 Please note, the time is in nanoseconds. 请注意,时间以纳秒为单位。 I realized that something like df.shift(2) shifts my data 2 places, but I would like to shift my data with -80000000 nanoseconds which in this case is 2 places: 我意识到类似df.shift(2)数据会将我的数据移动2个位置,但是我想将数据移动-80000000纳秒,在这种情况下为2个位置:

Input: 输入:

1480681220040000000    8
1480681220080000000    9
1480681220120000000    7
1480681220160000000   10
1480681220200000000    6

Desired output: 所需的输出:

1480681219960000000     8
1480681220000000000     9          
1480681220040000000     7
1480681220080000000    10
1480681220120000000     6
1480681220160000000   NaN
1480681220200000000   NaN

This is a smaller scale of my code: 这是我的代码的较小比例:

class device_data(object):
    def __init__(self):

        _index = [1480681220040000000,

        self.df = pd.DataFrame({'acc': [8, 9, 7, 10, 6], 'index': _index})
        self.df = self.df.set_index('index')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    extratime = np.int64(-40000000)

    session = dict()
    session[2] = {'testnumber': '401',
              'devicename': 'peanut'}
    session[2]['data_in_device_class'] = device_data()

    print session[2]['data_in_device_class'].df

    if hasattr(session[2]['data_in_device_class'], 'df'):
        session[2]['data_in_device_class'].df = session[2]['data_in_device_class'].df.shift(int(round(extratime)))

    print session[2]['data_in_device_class'].df

When I ran the original code, it gave me this error: OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long 当我运行原始代码时,它给了我这个错误: OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long

I used extratime = np.int64(extratime) to solve the problem. 我用extratime = np.int64(extratime)解决了这个问题。 I notice that with the scaled down version of my code, that it is not really needed. 我注意到,随着代码的缩减版本,它并不是真正需要的。

My question still stands as how I could use shift to move my index with a value amount and not with the amount of places it needs to move? 我的问题仍然是,如何使用shift来移动索引值而不是需要移动的位数?

Thank you 谢谢

You can just reassign your index with itself added to extra time. 您可以重新分配索引,而索引本身会增加额外的时间。

Consider the dataframe df as an example 以数据帧df为例

df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(100).reshape(5, -1))


I can "shift" the entire dataframe down like this 我可以像这样将整个数据框“下移”

df.index = df.index + 5


Let me know if this is on the mark. 让我知道这是否可行。 Otherwise, I'll delete it. 否则,我将其删除。

First you want to shift your index by the desired amount, and then reindex , to make things easier I take a copy here, shift the index, and we reindex on the union of the shifted index and the original index to introduce NaN rows: 首先要通过所需量的指数移动,然后reindex ,使事情变得更容易我拿一个copy在这里,却将指数,我们reindexunion移位索引和原始索引引进NaN行:

In [232]:
df1 = df.copy()
df1.index -= 80000000

1480681219960000000   8.0
1480681220000000000   9.0
1480681220040000000   7.0
1480681220080000000  10.0
1480681220120000000   6.0
1480681220160000000   NaN
1480681220200000000   NaN

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