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[英]Can I get the effect of JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK without JSON?

Can i get the effect of JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK without JSON? 我可以在没有JSON的情况下获得JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK的效果吗?

ie Recrusive replacement of numeric strings to ints or floats. 将数字字符串递归替换为整数或浮点数。



// some input from somewhre
$data = explode(',', 'abc,7,3.14');

echo "Before:"; var_dump($data);

$data = json_decode(json_encode($data,  JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK), TRUE);

echo "After:"; var_dump($data);

But I geuss converting to json and back is slow, is there some other way to get the same result? 但是我geuss转换为json并返回的速度很慢,是否还有其他方法可以获得相同的结果?

You can loop over your string s and cast any numeric value to int or float using the following code: 您可以使用以下代码遍历string s并将任何数值强制转换为intfloat

 * Normalize an object, array or string by casting all 
 * numeric strings it contains to numeric values.
 * @param  array|object|string $data
 * @return mixed
function normalize($data) {
    if (is_array($data))
        return array_map('normalize', $data);
    if (is_object($data))
        return (object) normalize(get_object_vars($data));
    return is_numeric($data) ? $data + 0 : $data;

$data = "15,2.35,foo";

$data = normalize(explode(',', $data));
// => [15, 2.35, 'foo']

Hope this helps :) 希望这可以帮助 :)

More efficient way 更有效的方法

 * Normalize an string or object by casting all 
 * numeric strings it contains to numeric values.
 * Note that it changes the variable directly 
 * instead of returning a copy.
 * @param  object|string $data
 * @return void
function normalizeItem(&$data) {
    if (is_object($data)) {
        $data = get_object_vars($data);
        $data = (object) $data;
    } else {
        $data = is_numeric($data) ? $data + 0 : $data;

 * Applies normalizeItem to an array recursively.
 * @param  array &$list
 * @return bool
function normalize(&$list) {
    return array_walk_recursive($list, 'normalizeItem');

You can use array_map() with a callback. 您可以将array_map()与回调一起使用。

$data = explode(',', 'abc,7,3.14');
$re = array_map(function(&$a) {
   return ctype_digit($a) ? intval($a) : $a;
}, $data);

https://eval.in/715641 https://eval.in/715641

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