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[英]Absolute path in a web app

This may sound like a dumb question. 这听起来像是一个愚蠢的问题。

I received a (basic) web application developed by another person, using HTML and JavaScript . 我收到了另一个人使用HTMLJavaScript开发的(基本)Web应用程序。 In this application he used his JavaScript file path as /javascripts/_FileName_.js . 在此应用程序中,他使用了JavaScript文件路径作为/javascripts/_FileName_.js But when I tried to run it on a Tomcat (8.5) server, those JavaScript files didn't executed. 但是,当我尝试在Tomcat(8.5)服务器上运行它时,那些JavaScript文件没有执行。 But when I changed the path to javascripts/_FileName_.js (Without the / at the beginning), it worked fine. 但是,当我将路径更改为javascripts/_FileName_.js (开头没有/ ),它可以正常工作。

This application was already ran in a server and it worked fine. 该应用程序已经在服务器中运行,并且可以正常工作。 What has to be the problem here ? 这里有什么问题?

as @duffymo described in comments, the leading slash tells tomcat to start looking for that file at the root of the application context, which is the webapps folder in tomcat. @duffymo在评论中所述, 前导斜线告诉tomcat开始在应用程序上下文的根目录(即tomcat中的webapps文件夹)中查找该文件。 But if we remove that leading slash , it searches for the file from the current folder. 但是,如果我们删除该前导斜线 ,它将从当前文件夹中搜索文件。

That was the problem. 那就是问题所在。 I am posting this as an answer because he mentioned these in comments only. 我将其发布为答案,因为他仅在评论中提到了这些。

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