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当用户名或密码包含“@”字符时,如何使用 cURL 登录?

[英]How to login with with cURL when username or password include the “@” character?

$cSession   = curl_init();
$userDetail = curl_exec($cSession);

The character after the '@' in the password is taken as the URL.密码中'@'后的字符作为URL。

Don't put your credentials in the URL string.不要将您的凭据放在 URL 字符串中。 Set them like this:像这样设置它们:

curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_URL,"http://redmine.org/user/current.json");
curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY);
curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$username:$password");

You should urlencode() the username and password.您应该urlencode()用户名和密码。 That should solve the problem.那应该可以解决问题。

$user = 'hai';
$pass = 'hai@7';

$creds = urlencode($user) . ':' . urlencode($pass)

// result hai:hai%407

Then you can pass that $creds string in the URL, or as CURLOPW_USERPWD .然后你可以在 URL 中传递$creds字符串,或者作为CURLOPW_USERPWD

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